Wednesday, January 26, 2005

My perfect rubber suite...

A special extra post today, to try to make up for the mere 5 hours I spent in TE today. I hope this stimulates some comments…

My perfect rubber suite.

Wearing my current latex outfit(s) for longer periods, more regularly, has given me a new insight into the shortcomings of suits that were perfectly adequate for long sex sessions. I thought it was time to start to catalogue these issues and so start the process of defining “my perfect suit”.

My idea of perfection will probably be different from other’s, as you have to start off with the wearers personal objectives before getting on to practical issues. However I suspect there will be probably be significant overlap between my ideas and other peoples, so let see.

As you will have seen by my Pointz Play List, the target is to be as totally enclosed as possible for as many days of the working week as I can manage, for my entire work day – ideally without ever getting out until the end of the session. So I want to be as totally well sealed as possible / practical - maximum coverage being the obvious aim.

Where possible that would mean air/liquid tight. I don’t want to be leaving a trail of liquid behind and I don’t want to feel the air (or anything else) from “outside” on my skin. Now there has to be some compromises here as I have to be able to work effectively at my computer / phone and I have to be able to breath. Although completely at odds with my general aims, I can just about rationalize these two compromises, as they are the key to allowing me to continue with the experiment!

So, I am ready to start on defining some of the characteristics a suit would have to be considered ideal for my purposes:

1 Close fitting

2 Durable (I will wear it most days)

3 Comfortable (& stimulating)

4 So possibly custom made.

5 Minimal zippers – Each zip will only be as big as it’s function requires. I specifically don’t want one long zipper from crotch, round back to top of head. Long zippers ruin the suit’s ability to stretch properly, they rub, cause wear and they leak.

6 Look sleek

7 Fairly easy to get into / out of

8 Lockable – I may want to lock myself in…

9 Have attached hands & feet

10 Have permanently attached hood – but only if it can meet my hood working requirements detailed below, otherwise I would have to have a separate or detachable hood, which would have to meet another set of requirements, also below

11 The perfect hood (or mask) would
o Be as totally encasing as possible.
o Allowing me to use the computer, so I would need to be able to see clearly most of the time (detachable lenses or blindfold a bonus).
o Be comfortable for longer periods.
o Have some way to let me confidently talk on the telephone, so

12 Allow me to hear clearly some of the time (detachable sound insulation bits would be bonus).

13 Talk clearly as required (optional gag would be a luxury bonus).
o Ideally it could be plumbed up to a mild or controller re-breather apparatus when talking not required. Perhaps via a detachable face mask over mouth?

14 Any separate/detachable hoods would have:
o Be fairly quick to remove to take phone calls.
o Have sufficient overlap or be joined in some way that meant no join gap between hood and rest of suit would be visible. Ideally this joint should be fairly air/water resistant.

15 Suit would have facilities to allow for bodily functions, with minimal exposure to “outside” air or other non-rubber contact.
o As a minimum, it would have facilities for urinating without exposing penis to outside air. In this respect, I would consider flushing pant or external catheter or other pumped and electro mechanical solutions…
o If liquid waste is collected, then capacity for 2 or 3 typical water passing session would probably be sufficient, as long as it could be emptied
o If possible, solid waste facilities with minimum exposure to outside. Not a hard and fast requirement this, as I would typically spend enough time out of the suite to sort this type of thing out – but it would be a major bonus and afford an increase in flexibility into my schedule!

16 I do not require the ability to eat while wearing the suit, but some system for the occasional drink would be good.

17 Would consider a daily work outfit that was comprised of more than one layer – e.g. a thin layer plus a thicker layer over the top, if this helps meet all the requirements.

This is not necessarily the definitive list, but a good first stab to get people thinking about it. Any comments on the requirements or a suite that may meet these would be welcome. I suspect I may be saying more about this in future posts. Once we have this TE suit sorted out, I am going to want to talk about suits to wear under street clothes – but that’s later….



Blackie said...

Your blog is terrific. I particularly like the account of your erections - and ejaculations. One is worth an hour in rubber surely.

Of course as tou say one when detumescent (good word) is inclined to strip off. It is the sign of a real rubberist to be able to go on. To do that more thasn once in a session shows real balls in every way.

I see you operate at a temperature of 72, which I think is quite good for long-term - up to 80 is possible. If one has much exertion it becomes harder. I tried overnight in full heavy enclosure at 80 getting up every hour for ten minutes execise and that was quite stimulating. There is though the danger of getting over-heated -I tried to keep measuring my temperature. The mouth is however one degree or so F cooler than the inner body core so DrGummi says.

Great reading - keep it up in every sense.


Rubberist Blackie, Fetishist, Masochist, Exhibitionist.

Trained to endure summer heat in overall rubber, disciplined to be macked, hooded, booted, gloved in public, and tough to enjoy it.

Sealed said...

Thanks again Blackie! Your original comment did eventually appear (against "into" section) - just took a whole working day to appear!
