Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, 29 December 2008

Sometimes simple cheap things remind you of what it all about and also reminds you of the habits that have set in. Opportunity is a strange thing.

You can discover new perspectives just by grasping a passing opportunity. It makes you think if you would every see things clearly if opportunity did not come along or you did not grasp the opportunities that are presented to you.

Recently I have had the chance to indulge myself without the usual chores, commitments and work getting in the way. I had specific ideas how I would use such a golden opportunity for uninterrupted fetish fun - I view my fetish as fairly well expressed in my everyday wear and was think along the lines of more of the same and probably just a little more extreme. Then I did something out of character and had an impulse buy. As I am not a natural shopper and not particularly spontaneous, purchasing something I have not been coveting for months is a bit weird – but there it was - something to remind me of the fun of it all.

Such a simple thing - a cheap hood made of clear PVC. Yes that right, not rubber and not expensive like all rubber stuff. The hood in question was an inflatable hood and came with a re-breather bag.

OK – yes, I have had rubber inflatable hoods and even whole suits that were inflatable and yes I have bought many rubber re-breather bags over the years. But when u buy something, a certain spark of imagination is involved when browsing shiny new items that dusty cupboards may not rival.

The imagination was simply sparked by the memory of the intense sensation of being in a hood that is pumped up to press hard against every inch of your head. The total reliance on the breathing rubber. The deadening of sound and the effect on all other senses. Then add on a breathing bag where you have total control on what you can breathe…

Once I had bought the hood, I was not disappointed by the experience. It was just as I had imagined and for me total bliss mmm…

But then, once I had adjusted to the intensely suffocating atmosphere I had time to reflect on my usual fetish gear… And how familiar and “standard” it has become.

You see, my usual gear has to be totally enclosing while also being practical and functional. I am in my rubber skin so much that it has to be this way. Sensory deprivation and inflatable mummification has not always played a major part in daily life, even a rubber fetish oriented life like mine. Practicality dictates I need to be able to hear, see and feel to perform my work and chores. My rubber skin has to be comfortable for long periods, compatible to my body needs and to some extent take into account my environment. On a given day I may even need to be able to get out of my full hood/mask fairly quickly (30 secs) in case where I need to communicate with a non-rubber person.

So, while my usual rubber outfits have expressed my full-enclosure rubber fetish perfectly, it also is essentially designed for practicality – practical rubber is a great achievement I guess but a bit of a shock to me and makes me think of what I might have been missing out on in the last few years of developing my current “style” of rubber attire. If you do not need to be in there for more an hour or three, a much more intense experience if tenable.

Having the opportunity to go beyond the practical has tantalised me and make me think of the extreme fun I can still have “out of hours”. Why do I not mix my usual practical wear for majority of daily life but spiced up with more fun/extreme stuff for short periods during the day or occasional long sessions dedicated to hedonism.

Such a simple experience brought about by a cheap purchase has certainly got my imagination going. An imagination that has been perhaps stifled too much by practical considerations? An imagination that has not stayed along these paths since the days when my fetish was expressed by just occasional and relatively short sessions. Now rubber is a regular habit, bound up by practicality, I wonder if I am missing anything else from these early and intense experiences? I will certainly be trying to find time to remember.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Letter from Milano...

Thanks for comments from all and welcome back Magumsmoker. Good to hear from you again. How is it going?

To bring u up to date, I am still living a rubber total enclosure oriented life which has a fair amount of breath control and a lot (too much?) popper use…

Important: What is described below is an honest account of my legal use of chemical stimulation and I am not promoting or advocating you follow my example. I am not proud or ashamed - I have just come to accept my use/abuse as a personal indulgence and an unhealthy one that I accept as part of my (current) way of life. Use your own brain to come to your own decisions….

As previously mention in this blog, poppers started becoming a regular (often daily) thing when I first got serious about changing my life to achieve my fetish ambitions. It was when I made it a self imposed rule that I must live in my rubber skin every day when there was no specific reason why I could not. The poppers instantly become a daily part of the experience. This was to provide (what I thought would be) an initial temporarily coping mechanism to help make the transition to enclosure more bearable daily experience – not to mention enjoyable. I used poppers to get over the initial adjustment to the auto erotic over stimulation of living totally sealed in rubber, but somehow, despite some long periods of abstinence, I have never made it to the point where I would chose to live in rubber for very long without my chemical crutch. I have found that my chemicals cocktail are just too much of a pleasantly compatible combo with rubber life to give them up. This despite the knowledge that such a dependency is pathological (probably much worse that smoking).

At some point I rashly decided to experiment with the idea that I would give up controlling popper intake to wean myself off them and deliver myself to the oblivion of constant background use. The idea was that a very, very small constant dose would have the desired coping effects, without the intoxicating rush of traditional delivery methods that temporarily but regularly stopped me from functioning adequately in my daily tasks and, in many cases, coping as a coherent human being. I knew that this was probably folly, but enquiring minds needed to know, so extensive experiments were necessary.

The popper feed was something I dabbled with and had mixed results with and, frankly, I eventually gave up on as a regular thing, while I was refining other aspects of my kinky existence. I never reported that much on it at the time as I thought I would some day return to it and perfect it for everyday use.

Anyway, seeing as I was asked, what I did was take the essence of what Magnumsmoker has developed and adapted it for my use. For everyone else benefit, this was essentially a semi-automated, on-demand mechanism for efficiently delivering a popper dose. A portable electric air pump plumbed into a mixing vessel that could deliver a dose of popper vapor along a small bore tube connected into a gas mask. This would mix with air from the filter and produce a tolerable, but very strong dose that would deliver a suitably mind bending popper rush. Potentially this would be a much stronger and sustained experience than even sniffing direct from the bottle (which in itself is ignoring the manufacturer’s instructions).

I adapted this design for my own objectives. I wanted to see what it would be like to experience something a little less intense but over a long period – hours or maybe even all day. I therefore needed something that would work while I was at any angle – from upright, while sitting through to playing in bed. This made the portable pump less practical as inversion and gravity could potentially deliver the entire contents of a bottle in seconds – which would probably be fatal given my mask/hood combo is often locked around my neck. So for a prototype I came up with a “base station” design where the poppers and pump were static and a very long umbilical style (thin) tube connected my mask to the base station. As portability was not an issue, the system was a mains powered (aquarium) pump rather than battery powered, so would pump on days/months/years if necessary. The pump had its own flow regulating control and this was augmented with extra throttle and dump valves to fine tune the experience.

The tether of the umbilical is very long but ultimately limiting to some degree, but it also added a certain restraint appeal. It’s retraining influence making me feel more dependent on the lifestyle support systems of the base station. That was quite kinky in itself.

Another kinky aspect was that you were relinquishing control of your dose and to the machine. In “normal” popper consumption you are in control of the dose and sniff more as and when you think you want the more effect. You stop when you have had your fill. By handing over total control of the dose to the machine, you are handing control of your physical and mental experience and so it is a submissive act. This is very stimulating for me as well as a major mind fuck!

The delivery of poppers in a well controlled dose was reasonable success, although it varied depending on the charge of poppers in the reservoir and the back pressure of the gas mask and operation of the masks associated non-return valves. It certainly could have been developed further, but essentially if tweaked every hour or so, it could be controlled to deliver a consistent small dose whenever I breathed in, and stopped delivery when I breathing out (to avoid wasting chemicals).

The initial experiments tended to fail as far too high a dose was delivered. As this could be quite fun, it took quite a few attempts before lower doses than normal were achieved. Then there the effect was so initially subtle it was difficult to judge if enough was being delivered or too much. This was compounded as the effects tend to slowly accumulate in the body over time such that what seems like too little can gradually build to become too much. And if I got the dose too low, it might become difficult to know how long to wait before turning up the flow (while all the time getting frustrated and “over heated”).

There were times when I got things close to perfect, and enjoyed hour after hour of pleasant chemical emersion, but generally the experience made it difficult to function or cope beyond the realms of living a erotic, sensual, over stimulated psychotropic experience. Any task that was not connected with rubber, sex or satisfying my fetish became challenging. Achieving simple everyday functions would require expending disproportionate amounts of determined will power. This level of resolve could never be sustained for long in the face of such pleasure and it would no be long before I would find myself falling back into the heavenly abyss of total chemical rubber sensual emersion.

As an occasional or even regular distraction for a few hours it showed promise, but as a day in day out lifestyle it looked hopeless without considerable refinement. My fortunate position of being able to live my daily life in rubber was dependent on my being able to work from my home office. Not being able to function at any level beyond the hedonistic for the majority of the day was a major problem!

Then there was the shear chemical consumption. I could go through a bottle of poppers in hours and even when rationing heavily I would go through several bottles a week. This all comes with cost and the worry of its side effects – the immediate effects being on a par with a hangover.

Then there was the worry of the constant state becoming the norm, as proposed by Dark in his comment relating to constant rubber encasement. This risk of adjustment to a constant state (or constant intake) seems to apply slightly more to chemicals than to rubber encasement, although it is a complex subject. On the other hand you also seemed to get sensitized to some chemicals, such that you can actually become more badly intoxicated by something you abuse.

So for regular use I have gone back to simpler on-demand intake of poppers, basically as and when I need them. In some circumstance this could mean a good part of most days, but I seem to go through very distinct and varied cycles of chemical need.

The biggest thing I miss with this is handing control over to the machine. In fact I would like to hand over more control to such devises, such as controlling the air I breathe in addition the chemical dose as well other functions.

One day I will return my efforts to such devices. That’s why I am always interested to hear about other peoples ideas and experiences. Feel free to share here what it is like to experience systems similar to my constant popper feed.

Sealed (spending June 2008 in Milano)

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I would like to correct any impression that still remains that I specifically aim to have multiple orgasms in my rubber suit, each time quickly trying to regain my heightened sexual state and erection, just to repeat the experience as quickly as I can. Given the last post it is hard to see how yu could have that impression, but commenter here and elsewhere may lead some into that belief. It would be more accurate to say that such occurrences are difficult to avoid when you spend as much time as I do totally sealed up in rubber with a high libido and the aim of living in a heightened sensual state. As I already hinted, I actually aim to avoid, or at least hold off on achieving ejaculative orgasm in order to comfortably achieve my fetish aims of spending long periods in a rubber stimulated state. Staying sexually stimulated but safely short of genuine ejaculation makes living in rubber feel really great to me, whereas the initial period after can be the most unpalatable (and soggy!). But I have not achieved perfection and find I do regularly fail, sometimes not making it through the day without coming several times and rarely making it though more than a couple of days. If I ever did find I could go for days or weeks without coming, then maybe I would need to set some new goals…

And that leads nicely on to the Viagra question. Well it is a big NO partly as it would be very dangerous when mixed with poppers and partly as it is not been necessary for me, so far…

I don’t like to contradict, but in the right circumstances I do find it possible or even unavoidable to hold on to some degree of my erection for hours on end, although I admit the intensity may go though regular cycles. And maybe it is a factor that changes with age.. I certainly seemed to remember being in an almost constant state if erection at the most inappropriate moments when I was in my teens :o) And yet in the last few years I have found the associated over excitement and resulting loss of control seems to have become less of a “problem”. Again maybe a factor of age but also probably as the effects of familiarization with my regular rubber encasement and the use (abuse?) of poppers which I take to curb my enthusiasm and shape my experience…

OK, so my normal daily experience is nothing like the intense experience of the build up of sexual tensions and passion in “regular” sex. Think of it as more like a sensual existence. Like living in the period of the very initial unexpected stirrings of lust found in a teenager’s pants, when some animal instinct inside them is awakened by the passing of the object of their desires. Not a rising crescendo of passion, but quite a nice feeling all the same…


Thursday, May 08, 2008

8th May 2008 is too hot

Hi to all who responded here or elsewhere. This post is inspired but the feedback and questions I have had, although keen not to do just Q & A and broaden things out.

To quash a possible misunderstanding (particularly for newer readers), I better say that I am NOT looking to spend weeks, months or years in rubber, without ever coming out for even a short break. It’s not for me to say that 24/7/365 would not be possible, but it is well beyond my current aims (I am not going to be drawn on 23/7, 22/7 etc either).

I am also not really a typical masochist and would not object to having a comfortable existence while encased in rubber, although I have often had to accept the sacrifices and mild hardships of my chosen rubber life. I sometime have chosen to enjoy this woe – for what else should I do when you think the pros outweigh the cons?

However, I am not aiming to be uncomfortable / very hot / wet / slimy or smelly. These are “luxuries” that are not compatible with a regularly living life in rubber. To this end I identified a sort of hierarchy of needs for a rubber encased person quite a while back (see Wednesday, 23 November 2005) and what I AM doing is just tackling those challenges, one at a time to steadily extend the amount of time I could and often do actually spend in total enclosure. I am not pretending I am near the end of the list and have been in this suit all week, as I have not. You will be disappointed to hear I cleaned and changed this morning…

Then the question of chastity has come up a lot recently. And, you know I think I have discovered some odd truths there. I never imagined I had any real understanding, empathy or connection with those who practice chastity. The fact that I never, ever, seem to manage to go for more that a few days without gushing forth semen seemed to make such a suggestion seem ridiculous. But, you know, things might be relative…

For someone like me who is lucky to have the opportunity to be aroused 24 hours a day in a fetish rich lifestyle, my abstinence is perhaps “relative”. The aim of my life seems to have developed to the point where I am trying to stay as stimulated and sexually alive as possible, for as much time as possible. All this while trying desperately to not get overexcited and stave off, for as long as I physically can, the inevitable orgasmic ejaculation. It results in a life of extended periods of great tension which seems to reach new levels after long periods of having my base instincts tempted. True, this eventually translates into a more sensual than purely sexual feeling eventually, but its a magically energising experience non the less.

The origin of my behaviour is a little tricky to identify and maybe my explanations are cyclic. It could be said to have its origin as part of my aim of trying to keep as dry as possible in my rubber skin. Dryness is very important to me as it enables me to spend longer and longer encase in rubber, without worrying about as much about skin problems. Then there is the undeniable association between my fetish and being in a state of having a high libido. Wanting more than anything to be in rubber when my sap is rising, while (I suspect we have all experienced this) the reversal of this feeling is often true for a brief period after orgasm. Avoiding, or at least delaying experiencing a post coital condition (with associated post-rubber symptoms) aids me in the achievement of my fetish dream - of spending long periods living a highly sensual life in my rubber skin. Like I said, its a little cyclic and self fulfilling.

Maybe once I set myself the golden rule that I must avoid stripping out of my rubber skin pot coital, I set up the chain reaction that conditioned me to live my lifestyle. But that does not explain why I wanted it so bad in the first place.

Moving on to cover the perennial “steady state” when applied to extended and longer term encasement argument, which seems to stick to my blog like limpet!. OK I guess it was an interesting conundrum, once. I accept there is probably some truth in that a person’s perception adjusts to a steady state. Yes I see how you might think it would adversely affect the novelty of long term enclosure and it certainly does to some degree. It’s not that I don’t understand the argument. It is just that practical experiments (rather than grand theories) means that I can empirically state that for me, my enjoyment and dedication to my fetish is enhanced by more regular, longer and more total rubber encasement. Now, if you like, why don’t we move the argument on to examine WHY this is TRUE for me while accepting the steady state theory (unless the aim is to brain washed me into thinking I am not happy in here… which I really am - honest!).

Just maybe it would be true if I truly did live 24/7/365 totally enclosed, but let’s not pretend I do. I would certainly risk finding out if we ever cracked the million and one little challenges that are currently stopping anyone from anything more than partial success there :o)

I don’t have all the answers, but I know there is a fine dividing line between too intense and too bland a stimulus. I feel I should say that it is untrue to think you can wear the rubber and associated plumbing that I wear and be able to totally ignore it for any length of time, even if I were luck enough to wear it every single day of the year. The truth is almost the opposite – unless I wear it pretty much daily, when I do wear it the experience is too intense and it is difficult to handle the stimulus. A break of a week and I am almost out of control the first day back in rubber. Adjusting to become familiar with the sensation is what I need to stay sane and functional. Now I have lost too many “first days back” fighting the instinct to fuck myself to death to want to spend too long out of rubber. Sounds like addictive behaviour? No shit Sherlock, that has occurred to me once or twice! :o)

Yes, you can and do forget you are in rubber for a while, but my encasement is just extreme enough to have strength to inevitably and regularly snap back onto full focus, suddenly dominating my consciousness. Typically what might happen is just when I have forgotten; the slightest movement sends a cascade of rubbery reminding sensations across my body. In fact these delicious moments are the side effect of the very temporarily reality of the steady state theory when applied to my encasement. Delicious because, in an instant, the full impact of my total encasement is played out across my senses and, much more importantly the full “horror” floods your mind. Yum…

My goodness it’s getting hot today.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday, 31 March 2008 - To be a plumbed rubber object

Last time I mentioned the use of plumbing and pissing pants to allow for longer periods of total rubber enclosure without having to use suits with zip opening. For me, zips can be troublesome and can impair the total rubbery “sealed-ness” of the experience, so it’s a subject I am persistently trying to improve on. That’s why there are quite a few posts on the subject.

Although I admit to appearing to be a little preoccupied by my plumbing, its not that I started out totally fixated by body functions. However, I have long been obsessed about extending the amount of time I can live comfortably sealed in rubber and dealing with body functions just became part of that quest.

As time has gone on, I must confess that I feel some auto-erotic pleasure from just the thought of devising clean and neat rubbery solutions to what would otherwise be mundane necessarily. It’s also partly to do with giving over control to my rubber suit – which is also partly my life support – as, when perfected, everything coming into and out of my body would be managed by a rubbery extension to my latex cocoon. The all encompassing nature of this is very much a turn on for me.

The wrong (under-)trousers?
So are the rubber sheath pissing pants the perfect answer? I would say not and so I am experimenting with alternatives. I touched on some of the drawbacks in my last entry, including the feel being so different and being initially overpowering for regular use.

There is also the question of how effective they are. When worn in combination with a sheath suite they provide an acceptably dependable solution to pissing, but this combo is just too intense and different from my tastes. I have also worn them in my heavy rubber neck entry suit (diver dry suit style) where they feel a little better, but are less reliable with more potential for a small proportion of piss backing up and eventually leaking into the main suit. Not nice when you might be in there for the rest of the day.

As an alternative I have tried a set of pissing pants I bought recently in Expectations (London). I think these pants are made in Germany, they come with optional rubber collection bag with leg straps and I suspect they are actually intended for women, not men. They are open crotch black pants with a semi transparent large pouch bonded to the crotch – which dangles between the legs and is plumbed to a rubber pipe at it’s lowest point.

When worn by me, the pouch forms a snug home for the penis and balls. When I piss, the pouch collects the urine and it drains into the rubber leg bladder. As this is of limited capacity, particularly given it is in a fairly tight suit, I have modified what happens next. Essentially the leg bladder is also plumbed, this time out of the suit such that it can be pumped empty.

Pros and cons… The pouch is snug before an erection and does not feel like wearing a sheath. However it is very restrictive as soon as I get sexually stimulated, such that it cannot take up its usual fully erect position. This can be quite fun, but also it can be fairly weird and borders on uncomfortable. I have had some degree of success in it effectively plumbing away my piss, although you have to be careful when pissing as it does drain very slowly. If you want to try it yourself, bear in mind it will require some customizing to get it to fit and drain well.

Time will tell if they are better than the sheath pants, but my instinct is that these new pants are more of a prototype than a perfect solution. I think that if it were remade with a more generous pouch, it would be less noticeable to wear and would feel like being in a normal suit/pants/tights. Also, a generous pouch would function / drain better and then the wettest are would be further away from the skin.

After pissing, there would still be a lot of moisture in the pouch, which is undesirable as my genitalia would stay wet, so thinking of ways to deal with this. After pissing, maybe the pouch could be pumped with something to displace the water. I thought of liquid silicon to displace the piss and any other water based moisture. Alternatively I am thinking of an initial flush with clean water, and then pumped with air to drive out moisture. It would probably take very many changes of air to dry out and this could be automated like the cycles of a washing machine.

Other Plumbing

Of course there is more than piss to deal with. There are outputs of shit, gas, sweat and even saliva and mucus. There are also inputs of air, fluid and food.

Inputs are not really the limiting factor. If you are happy to breathe air from the outside environment (even if though a mask, cylinder, bag or tube) you don’t need to deal with the other inputs for many hours - and when necessary I have been able to go without even fluid for several days.

If you make sure you take steps to stay cool, it will be the piss problem that you hit first, probably after just a few hours. As I now have working solutions for piss and can see that I will be able to optimize these to reliably enable ever longer and longer endurances, the other requirements are at last looking to become limitations which I need to tackle.

When think of a regular session, I often find that I need to shit at least once every 24 hours. About this time frame, even when I take care not to overheat, the moisture levels in my suit are starting to become significant. At the moment I deal with this by at least one complete change of rubber every day and I have to make sure I shit just before putting on a new suit to give me enough endurance. In practice, to live a comfortable life, this brings down my time in rubber to considerably less than 24 hours. So I would like to come up with a plumbing solution – which will essentially be to have my anus plugged with enema tubes while in my suit.

Now as I have been concentrating on pissing, I have not actually got around to plumbing myself up to a enema – but I have started experiments and training. The first thing that will be difficult to get used to will be wearing a plug all the time. I have started training by “wearing” a couple of very modest rubber pipes. As anyone who has tried but plug will know, this take a lot of getting used to. In my case I think I have a smaller orifice (tight arse!) which makes the whole thing a bit mind bending. After a while the modest anal intrusion feels somewhere between unbelievably stimulating and quite uncomfortable.

I have been told that butt plugs and the like get easier to take after a while so I am persisting. Training is tough however, as imagine the pipes being trapped under all your rubber – which you committed to being locked into all day. After a few hours it really starts to drive you mad and you cannot really get at it. Like an itch, you cannot make it go away, all you can do is scratch it (wiggle you butt/pipes), which of course only makes their presence more obvious and intense.

That enough for now, but love to here any constructive suggestions or comments.

Monday, March 10, 2008

To be a plumbed rubber object

I have long held a desire to be “plumbed” in such a way as to allow me to function comfortably for extended periods without ever breaking the seal on my total rubber enclosure. Over the last few months I have revisited this subject, determined to find workable solutions.

I have tried in-dwelling catheters, which are the ultimate as far as a plumbing solution. However, as you will see from earlier posts, they are not suitable for me. As I may be plumbed all day every day, the solution has to work when I ejaculate, and with in-dwelling catheters I have always experienced pain during climax and discomfort after. I know others have been OK, but guess I am just unlucky.

The most simple solution I have tried is to wear pissing pants (sheath pants complete with drainage tube) under a all in one cat-suit with it’s own sheath. The only holes in this suit are eyes, nostril, mouth and a very small hole in the tip of the sheath that is just large enough to feed the pissing pant’s drainage tube through. The end of the tube is plugged with a valve and the whole bundle sits in a zip up pouch, which is part of the suit. When I need to pass water, I just unzip the pouch and extract my sheathed member, open the valve, point it into the toilet and relieve myself. If I am careful, it can be a successful and clean(ish) operation.

This sheath arrangement is one I “forced” myself to regularly wear over a several months. I say forced, as although it mechanically works fairly well, it is a little difficult to get used to wearing when I am so used to just being in a “normal” rubber suit. Two layers of close fitting rubber over my cock and balls, plus the pouch can feel restrictive and very difficult to ignore! Initially it was very challenging during the normal cycles of varying degrees of penis stiffness.

The rubber used to chafe and so it is more critical to get the correct amount of lubrication. Yet over lubrication (particularly with J-Lube) can lead to the total loss of that delicious rubbery sensation that I desired in the first place.

The other thing I found difficult to get used to was the feeling of my cock and balls being effectively free and outside the restriction of the main suit, albeit in their own triple layer of rubber. The outer pouch is quite lose fitting and do not support my bits. Being more used to them being squished snuggly in a suit, along with the rest of me, it can feel like they are dangling unprotected (which they not really).

Also there is less to “push against” to get that erotic rubber feel flowing across my sex organ. With a normal suit, my penis sits with my body on one side of it and the tightly stretched rubber on the other. With every slight movement of my lower abdomen, hips or legs, the three surfaces move relative to each other to produce the delightful sensation I imagine only male rubber fetishists experience. This can be the intense erotic feel when after instant gratification, or for those of us who like to spend extended periods in their rubber skin, it can also be the gentle but regular sensual reminder of their rubber encased existence.

With the rubber sheathed option, there is the constant distracting sensation of the rubber constriction, but the penis often does not automatically get the same rubber rubbing across you skin feeling I get for free when just living in a normal suit. To get something like that you need to actively engage in a sexual act – either by plugging your rubber member into a sexual partner or masturbation. Both these are great but intense and so hardly a lifestyle.

In fact the intense feeling of being plumbed was part of the challenge which made it more taxing for me to wear for long periods. It was ironic that the plumbing that could help me in my ambition to be totally sealed in rubber for longer, and more completely, was actually initially difficult to handle beyond a brief sexual experience in rubber.

To get to something like the same gentle level of constant rubber stimulation, I often wear yet another layer of thin rubber briefs over the top of everything. Adjusting the fit of these rubber briefs can fine-tune the whole experience.

Eventually I just about got used to regularly wearing the kit. And then I moved on to wearing the pissing pants inside a neck entry rubber suit (diving dry suit style) which meant I had to plumb the pants to a collection bag in the leg of the suit. This bag was in turn plumbed up through the suit to allow it to be periodically emptied. This was all done to achieve a very “sealed in” feel.

More on this, some different pants and other plumbing in a future post.

Love to hear on feedback and tips on this or any other issue related to living in rubber.
