Thursday, February 24, 2005

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Going to be a short entry today, due to pressure of work. I did manage to get into my rubber for 9AM, but am having to bail out at 4PM as I need to go out…

Had a comfortable day in rubber, if busy (with work). Did get some brief time to play at lunchtime and tried out some new breath play and popper play ideas that I will develop, and report on some day. Staying in rubber after climax is still the most difficult part of the experiment, but somehow I just manage to keep true to the rubber lifestyle…

The running totals show that a current balance of -846, which will be tricky to make tomorrow with all else that I need to do… Slightly worried I may miss my target again and incur more rubber interest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boring, boring, boring