Thursday, February 10, 2005

20:30 (+4:30) (Wednesday, February 09, 2005)


I gradually turned up the amount of re-breathing I was doing during the first few hours and reached a the maximum I felt that can be sustained for longer sessions at about 08:00. I love playing around with re-breathing masks & bags. Something I have been regularly practicing since childhood.

There are different styles to this sort of play. There is the frantic short sessions, right through to the longer sessions. I generally have a preference for long sessions with milder levels of re-breathing. The trick is to adjust things so that you are constantly forced to take deep breaths at an above average frequency, but let in enough fresh air into the system that your breath does not go out of control.

00:00 (+8:00)

I had a great evening of being fully encased and breath play. I had a powerful erection for hours. I particularly remember a 4 hour segment where I was constantly on the edge of orgasm. Holding back the ejaculation was very deliciously difficult – and it felt like a big disappointment to me when I finally failed to stem the flow, so early in my first evening (around 9 or 10pm). It felt like nothing would be quite the same in my rubber encapsulation for the rest of my time in my suit – but of course this feeling started to lift within the hour and, a couple of hours later, I felt so comfortable that you would have had to pay me to get out of here.

While “recovering”, I had time out from the bag play, but now it’s time to don another fun hood and go to bed. The hood is a black rubber, loose fitting, re-breathing hood. It has no eye holes and just a group of small holes around the mouth area to let some air in. A rubber belt secured it around the neck. All this went over my normal hood I have been wearing for 8 hours now.

The hood is fairly tame when worn as intended, but for more extreme breath play I often wear it so the air holes do not directly line up with my mouth. However, I intend to sleep in it so I am going to wear it lined up correctly. [Obviously breath play while asleep can be very dangerous and should only be attempted by experienced people, with supervision of another and with very mild levels of breath play. Don’t write in warning me – I already know the risks and have for many, many years now.]. Now mild as it is, I know from other attempts it will be plenty enough to try to sleep through. For me there is nothing better than the feeling I get of falling asleep or half waking with my respiratory system gently working away at making the most of the re-breathed air (for best effect, it needs to be just noticeable that it is having to work at it – not gasping).

Thursday 08:30 (+16:30)

Here I am starting work and I have already been in my suit for effectively 2 man days. I will tale the advice of Blackie and work out the points later…

I had a reasonable night, considering I was totally encased in rubber and wearing two hoods, the outer one being the re-breathing hood. The inner hood did cause me some problems as it pulls my lower jaw in slightly, which causes me some periodic breathing troubles as I fall asleep. The re-breather was plenty effective enough to keep my respiration rates up on normal. I countered this by forcing myself to stay awake till the small hours after a tough day, so that I would be ready to sleep heavily. This worked and I soon dropped off.

However, it was never going to be an uninterrupted sleep and several times and hour, my inner hood would win the elastic battle to bring my jaw in and would start restricting my breath – this was like a time-bomb attached to a snore. I would wake just enough to notice the “snore” and reposition my jaw or whole head to get free flow again. While this was happening, I would be aware of the effects of re-breathing – which was perversely delicious, although I could have done without the inner hood restricting my air flow.

Next time I will allow myself to take off the inner hood if I am going to wear the re-breathing hood to bed.

The erotic cycle of gagging, waking and finding myself in my rubber situation became more stimulating in the early morning. I found myself in a half awake state, working hard to breath and this dangerous erotic state became unbelievably stimulating. Eventually I could take no more and found myself writhing about uncontrollably and, as I came round, I erupted ferociously in my suit.

It was about 5am, so I decided to take off the outer hood as I had the feeling that I was so stimulated that I was ready to repeat the performance before day break and I needed at least some sleep.

Now I am up, I can report that I am quite comfortable in my suit. I am wearing goggles and filter mask over my hood, so totally sealed in and feeling ready for a day in latex. The only problems I have to report is that I have right ear is feeling the pressure of the hood and is a little painful sometimes. I hope this does not get worse as the day goes on.


Blackie said...

Sealed, you are a marvel. Your deication and toughness are stupendous. having read through twice what you wrote I must break off.

Blackie - panting.

Sealed said...

Thanks for the tips and encourgement.