Just a quick update before I get onto today’s real subject, how rubber friends and assistance would help with a rubber lifestyle.
Been spending the vast majority of my time and energy recently on securing the necessary mundane lifestyle elements that I need in place in order to support my longer term aims of a progressively more rubber lifestyle. I have been lucky in the past to have months of uninterrupted rubber life, so wanted to build on that to get to a point where at some point in the future, I will pretty much guarantee the conditions are right for me to live my chosen lifestyle, long term. What I have called my 5 year+ plan.
From my experience, if you don’t get the mundane parts of your life under control, you don’t stand a chance of achieving long term rubber enclosed lifestyle. This could mean a lot of personal arrangements, including work, home, family / friends…. Anyway, things are starting to come together in many respects (in particular, gaining a rubber friendly income stream), with just one or two things still left to be resolved...
Now back to the main point of this enter, friends. First some feedback for my virtual friends, before getting onto a more general point.
Thanks all (here and elsewhere) for the various offers of technical help. Everything from finding someone who is better set up than me to do chlorination of my rubber, through to those with ideas on automation, breathing apparatus and chemical aroma supplies. All this has sort of taken a back seat while I have been concentrating on the 5 year+ plan, although I have been having a lot of fun with aquarium pumps, which I see as being ideal for both chemical aroma supply and (with a big enough pump) for breath play. Magnum Smoker provided a good link for info on this subject. Maybe 2007, I will get time to play more…
OZ rubber pony – think that your idea of setting targets for your rubber wearing is a very good one. That’s the way I broke through the (mainly physiological) hurdles to get to the “next level”.
Also, if you are after the same things as I am, I would say it is almost as important to make it a regular event (ideally daily) than to push for ultra long sessions. I have found that if I am out of my rubber skin for longer periods (many days), I tend to find I over-react to the rubber enclosure on the first day back in.
Sealforvr – In dwelling caths seem to work well for you and I am so envious. To me they are just associated with intense discomfort, but it seems the majority of those who have tried it don’t suffer the same problems as me. The irony is, the advocates often just use them for pleasure but don’t really need to use one - and yet for me, for my ultimate dream lifestyle, they would be immensely useful.
Anyway, I wish Sealforvr luck and would be interesting to hear how u go on. Sure u have already done the research and made informed decisions. For those who have not yet, just be sure you know about the risks of UTIs and temporary incontinence associated with very term long use.
Now a more general point about friends. The simple observation that friends who are sympathetic to your ambition to life a large part of your life in total enclosure (or other unusual lifestyle not easily accepted by society) could be very useful in making your chosen mode achievable. There are several stands to this, such as moral support, practical tips and information as well as physically being there and dealing with the rest of the world on your behalf.
It often occurs to me that a rubber enclosed person is vulnerable in the context of current society. Sure, some brave the world regularly in outlandish rubber outfits, but this is often limited in terms of the place and time when such exposure is wise, health or safe. In certain contexts, society can be very fearful of what it sees as a deviant sexual expression through fetish – particularly if u r male.
This situation puts me in mind of the Hammer Horrors, where vampires are reliant on (and in total control of) a human servant (often an Egor figure or willing virgin). During the day, the servant (or a animal “familiar”) would do the master’s bidding, while the vampire would be limited to the confines of his crypt, only being released from this bondage when the sun set. The vampire would never admit it, but they are really very reliant on others for the mundane interactions needed to ensure wine and food are waiting on the table, for when the next victim traveller comes to stay…
Anyway, you probably get the point. It would be far more feasible for those who wished to live in rubber enclosure, if support were available from others. For example a partnership where one person does the lifestyle and the other does all the interaction with the mundane world and possibly provides financial support. Or maybe, a time share where you did one month on and one month off to share the burden. That’s not to say that the servant / helper could not wear rubber, but just that they may be required to take off some or all of their rubber skin to deal with everyday issues. Meanwhile, at lease one person is living the rubber lifestyle of their choice, with nothing to worry about.
Now in such a scenario with a helper, many of the real problems are removed. The only remaining one being social isolation of the Vampire figure. This should not be underestimated, even if u think you are not a very sociable person. They would of course have Egor and possibly have a circle of fetish oriented friends. If this is not enough for a given individual, the only solution is to set up a commune of people with the same fetish TE interest. Imagine the situation with a crypt full of rubber enclosed people, doing their thing, protected by and provided for, by this month’s servant…
Tales Of A Home Working Latex Lifestyle
NOTE: This BLOG Contains Themes of an adult sexual nature.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Monday, 21 August 2006
It been a little while since updating here. So many things competing for my time blah, blah…
Thanks for all the comments both here and elsewhere. Seem there are many “lurkers” who only comment that they have been reading my blog after I send messages to them! This is totally fine by me, particularly as the comments have been positive. But I do welcome any contributions here as I think there are still plenty of subjects that are seldom talked about by breath play, total rubber enclosure & lifestyle fetishists.
I think Xevious may have a point about poppers – they certainly have the capacity to affect your mental function. Currently, I am just finding my way back into their use, after getting too dependent / affected by them previously. I want to experiment to see if there is a dose that works for my fetish, while at the same time allowing me to function adequately beyond pure hedonism. Early results are that mechanisation of the delivery of the vapours does work very well at providing a consistent doses, but things are still at a very crude stage so would not like to make any comment on suitability for long term use. I intend making electrical control and plumbing improvements as time allows.
But just for fairly short fun sessions, my system works fine and the long tube tethering me to the vapour pump is not too inconvenient. In fact I find it quite stimulating to be under the influence of chemical air supplied by a system which is well out of reach. If I get the dose right, I know I am certainly in for a ride!
Anyway, I will report back when I have more to say on it as a lifestyle support system, as recent exposure has been far too intense for long term use, and I am still adjusting to the experience. I don’t have an exact dose level yet, but I have been peaking at going through about three quarters of a large bottle (25ml) in a single session of just a few hours. Having said that, it is far from an efficient delivery system as a little of the vapour vents through my mask without me breathing it in and none is re-breathed.
As for the idea of my fetish existence being remotely controlled some of the time – that certainly has my mind occupied! Imagine web-cam sessions with someone where you could directly influence their experience, by tweaking their personal parameters and see the result of your action in front of u. Imagine having your stimulation / experience being controlled by someone else with whom u r in a web cam session… I would love to hear from anyone else who would like to be controlled by remote or would like to control another by remote control. And what things do other think would be good candidates for control?
It seems to be there are loads of possibilities that could be controlled by electrical means, such as sound u hear, electrical stimulation, vibrators, control of air / chemical / re-breathed air mix, fluids supplies, maybe even vision and how long u re locked in your rubber prison through some sort of set of electrical locks. I just wonder how much of this would be possible through off the shelf hobbyist items?
As for using aquarium pumps for supplying all the air I breathe, then this is something I am also interested in but have has no success in the past. The pumps I previously tried could not deliver sufficient air volume to survive off for long – but will certainly experiment with stronger pumps and report back on this idea. Anyone else tried this?
Thanks for all the comments both here and elsewhere. Seem there are many “lurkers” who only comment that they have been reading my blog after I send messages to them! This is totally fine by me, particularly as the comments have been positive. But I do welcome any contributions here as I think there are still plenty of subjects that are seldom talked about by breath play, total rubber enclosure & lifestyle fetishists.
I think Xevious may have a point about poppers – they certainly have the capacity to affect your mental function. Currently, I am just finding my way back into their use, after getting too dependent / affected by them previously. I want to experiment to see if there is a dose that works for my fetish, while at the same time allowing me to function adequately beyond pure hedonism. Early results are that mechanisation of the delivery of the vapours does work very well at providing a consistent doses, but things are still at a very crude stage so would not like to make any comment on suitability for long term use. I intend making electrical control and plumbing improvements as time allows.
But just for fairly short fun sessions, my system works fine and the long tube tethering me to the vapour pump is not too inconvenient. In fact I find it quite stimulating to be under the influence of chemical air supplied by a system which is well out of reach. If I get the dose right, I know I am certainly in for a ride!
Anyway, I will report back when I have more to say on it as a lifestyle support system, as recent exposure has been far too intense for long term use, and I am still adjusting to the experience. I don’t have an exact dose level yet, but I have been peaking at going through about three quarters of a large bottle (25ml) in a single session of just a few hours. Having said that, it is far from an efficient delivery system as a little of the vapour vents through my mask without me breathing it in and none is re-breathed.
As for the idea of my fetish existence being remotely controlled some of the time – that certainly has my mind occupied! Imagine web-cam sessions with someone where you could directly influence their experience, by tweaking their personal parameters and see the result of your action in front of u. Imagine having your stimulation / experience being controlled by someone else with whom u r in a web cam session… I would love to hear from anyone else who would like to be controlled by remote or would like to control another by remote control. And what things do other think would be good candidates for control?
It seems to be there are loads of possibilities that could be controlled by electrical means, such as sound u hear, electrical stimulation, vibrators, control of air / chemical / re-breathed air mix, fluids supplies, maybe even vision and how long u re locked in your rubber prison through some sort of set of electrical locks. I just wonder how much of this would be possible through off the shelf hobbyist items?
As for using aquarium pumps for supplying all the air I breathe, then this is something I am also interested in but have has no success in the past. The pumps I previously tried could not deliver sufficient air volume to survive off for long – but will certainly experiment with stronger pumps and report back on this idea. Anyone else tried this?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Wednesday, 26 July 2006 - The 1st prototype
Today is the first day I have had to try the first stage of my automated lifestyle support system – the chemically treated air supply. Things are still at the very rudimentary stage at the moment, but as a proof of concept it is already proving to have great potential. I have used an aquarium air pumps, as Magnum suggested, which is hooked up to bubble through my Amyl Nitrate supply. A long length of tube caries the chemically treated air to my gas mask to mix with my filtered air. I have arrange a systems of vents & valves so that most of the pressure is lost before it bubbles through the AN and so a very fine degree of control is achievable. For the last hour I have had it set so that it just fails to break the surface of the AN and so when I breathe in, the pressure drop will cause a small amount of air to pass through the chemicals.
Enough of the how stuff – what does it feel like? Well it is certainly less of a rush than doing it the old way. This is because I have deliberately moderated the volume of chemical vapour to see if I can fine tune my experience over a longer period. The first 30 minutes or so I could hardly detect any change but somewhere about an hour in I started getting the real signs the poppers where doing their work on me. Things just seem to have slowly ramped up from there on…
The effect of the poppers on me has continues to ramp up and guess I am already at some form of “continues bliss”. I hope the rate of increase for the effect is going to slow down soon as I am trying to avoid getting too turned on too quickly.
Had to halt as effect too strong. Need to go back to the drawing board as when popper level gets lower (due to evaporation) the volume of air automatically increases due to lower back pressure and so the machine gets a bit carried away and sent me into orbit…
Still effect very good at first and just needs fine tuning.
Enough of the how stuff – what does it feel like? Well it is certainly less of a rush than doing it the old way. This is because I have deliberately moderated the volume of chemical vapour to see if I can fine tune my experience over a longer period. The first 30 minutes or so I could hardly detect any change but somewhere about an hour in I started getting the real signs the poppers where doing their work on me. Things just seem to have slowly ramped up from there on…
The effect of the poppers on me has continues to ramp up and guess I am already at some form of “continues bliss”. I hope the rate of increase for the effect is going to slow down soon as I am trying to avoid getting too turned on too quickly.
Had to halt as effect too strong. Need to go back to the drawing board as when popper level gets lower (due to evaporation) the volume of air automatically increases due to lower back pressure and so the machine gets a bit carried away and sent me into orbit…
Still effect very good at first and just needs fine tuning.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Tuesday, 25 July 2006
Thanks for all the practical ideas everyone. Love the idea of being under computer control so much and will get the necessary equipment once I sort out the things to be controlled – like the lifestyle support system.
Maybe there are other things about my totally enclosed fetish lifestyle that my reader think would benefit from automation and/or computer control? Please feel free to suggest. Maybe there are things they would like to be automated to enhance their experience, or maybe there are things they want to specifically relinquish control of and have commanded by a computer or another person?
In the mean time, I would like to report back on the penis probe I bought last week. It arrived very quickly (on Monday) and was exactly as described on the website. However, I am having some difficulties with it. Before getting it, my main worry was putting such a relatively bulky thing in my urethra, but basically, there was no problem inserting the plug. In fact it is quite pleasant experience and can see some interesting possibilities with play and electrical stimulation in particular.
The problem is that it does not want to stay in there for very long and drops out very easily. At first I used the lube that came with the plug and later I tried it without – all with the same result – the plug just wants to let go and drop out.
Not sure what the issue is here, maybe I have a slack urethra? But looking at it, such a sleek and yet relatively heavy object is unlikely to stay in position for long as very little actually keeping it in place. Maybe a PA would solve the problem, but I personally don’t want to go there at the moment.
I am thinking that it was worth trying but I am not convinced it will work for me as a catheter substitute.
Maybe there are other things about my totally enclosed fetish lifestyle that my reader think would benefit from automation and/or computer control? Please feel free to suggest. Maybe there are things they would like to be automated to enhance their experience, or maybe there are things they want to specifically relinquish control of and have commanded by a computer or another person?
In the mean time, I would like to report back on the penis probe I bought last week. It arrived very quickly (on Monday) and was exactly as described on the website. However, I am having some difficulties with it. Before getting it, my main worry was putting such a relatively bulky thing in my urethra, but basically, there was no problem inserting the plug. In fact it is quite pleasant experience and can see some interesting possibilities with play and electrical stimulation in particular.
The problem is that it does not want to stay in there for very long and drops out very easily. At first I used the lube that came with the plug and later I tried it without – all with the same result – the plug just wants to let go and drop out.
Not sure what the issue is here, maybe I have a slack urethra? But looking at it, such a sleek and yet relatively heavy object is unlikely to stay in position for long as very little actually keeping it in place. Maybe a PA would solve the problem, but I personally don’t want to go there at the moment.
I am thinking that it was worth trying but I am not convinced it will work for me as a catheter substitute.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006 – Lifestyle Support System

Things have become pretty interactive here recently, and I am very happy to go with this trend. Also, the temperature has been rising here in the UK, which is less good for me. Luckily, it dropped a lot over night and is just less than 25C now, which seems to be riht on the upper limit of what I can comfortably manage for a day in rubber total enclosure.
Thanks Dark for the link to http://www.fantasyleatherworks.com/. This site is full of interesting stuff. I have to admit to being just a little squeamish about putting hard objects in my urethra – although I can’t deny the possibilities of the Thru-Hole Penis Plug are really significant (as well as “The Screw” that is in the New Products section).
I wonder if it is really possible to wear such a thing for regularly long periods without it falling out or becoming uncomfortable. Also, from the pictures, there is no obvious way to plumb up the plug with a soft rubber tube. Well I decided the only way to find out was to order one. To speed things up, I found a UK supplier at http://www.tickleberry.co.uk/pages/index.html - who are apparently “proud to be a woman owned organisation specialising in Male Chastity and the Sensual Feminine Domination of men…”. I will report back on how this goes.
Magnum… your right, I am very much captive here in many senses. I absolutely love the idea of being tethered to a sort of “Lifestyle Support System” (this gets around the whole danger of my mask being flooded by neat chemicals if at excessive angles). I think the Amyl Nitrate pump could just be the start, but concentrating on this aspect, I prefer your idea of a tube that delivers my maintenance vapours into the air mix I am breathing in my mask. That would be more consistent, controllable and would require no special action on my part to be on the preset dose. Of course it does mean I would have no way of avoiding breathing my chosen blend of chemical air, short of holding my breath! The pump would be conditioning my air at some distance and I could even be in a different room.
…This ideas is so hot I am having difficulty keeping in control today…
Of course the Lifestyle Support System could include other functions as well, from pumping away waste to supplying sustenance, temperature control, electrical stimulation, sound I hear and even the mix of recycled air I breathe. Eventually I could add the home automation systems that Magnum mentions, to provide a pre-programmed daily cycle of exquisite experiences. I think it was the Le Corbusier that said “A house was a machine for living” in 1923 – obviously a long way ahead of his time and I think we owe it to him to prove that it is a machine for a lifestyle too.
Imagine the possibilities of living the life of being computer controlled rubber unit. Once locked in you would be committed to seeing your program though. Mmmm…
If someone were to help build such a Lifestyle Support System you might just have to let them take control of your personal parameters for a few minutes, if they promised to be careful not to brake u… Just think of the internet possibilities…
I thought it was going to be an easier day today, but all this has got me very overheated and it’s only mid afternoon. Think I am going to be very uncomfortable by this evening so hope I remember why as maybe this will help. Wish I had that control system right now to help me through the rest of the long day I see stretching out before me…
I will have to distract myself by concentrating on the details – so Magnum, feel free to bore us with technical details. The programming should be easy but looking for inventive ways of using off the shelf items to achieve the physical mechanics. Let go step by step and start of with the simple chemical air conditioning, the pump & chemicals are easy, but where is an easy place to get the thin bore metal pipes from – narrow enough to go through the screw on lid?
As for your questions on how much time I spend on poppers and suffocation during a week, well I never logged it. To be honest, it is a little too hot for suffocation (respiration is one of the main ways the body loses heat) and so just I do it when I feel the need at the moment – say roughly every other day for only short periods of say an hour or so. Want much more, but frankly cannot take it and be in TE for long periods in this heat. This will not be a problem when my poppers arrive and I get my machine up and running. As soon as get going with this, I will start making a note and report back.
Although very interested in rear plumbing in the long term, this is not an issue I have to deal with until all the other short term issues are addressed (See my entry for "Wednesday, November 23, 2005" for all the TE lifestyle issue I have thought of). I don’t actually get a kick out of this medical stuff directly, but I do like the idea of this technology supporting me in being sealed as much as possible, for as long as possible.
Just a last word, please don’t expect to see entries on my trying out my Lifestyle Support System too soon. I would sooner take my time with each element of the problem. Also, I am about to embark on my next assignment which is a combination of working from home (yippee!) and being on the road part of the week (boo!), so may not have too much time over the next couple of months. It’s all part of the master plan to support my lifestyle and hope to get there at some point…
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Chemical Air
Hi All,
Magnum, thanks for the complements and encouragement and thanks for email pictures and posting on Popper machines. VERY interesting. Imagine combining a ultra low maintenance dose with a instant boost shot where the situation requires it. Very exciting thought! Will search for online suppliers when I get a chance otherwise it will have to wait till I am next out of rubber to go to the city shops…
I see that much of the mechanisms could be adapted from fish tank suppliers, but what about the battery powered air pump? What is the intended use for that small pump?
It was good hearing about your sessions, to put the technology into context. What part does the alcohol drinking tubes, poppers air supply have? Are they stimulating you to a certain mind set or acting as a suppressant to hold you back from orgasm?
Was interesting to hear you also go for electrical stimulation. That’s something I like to and also find that a butt plug can actually stave off over stimulation of the penis as it such a distraction! I sometime wear one but find being locked in my suit for a whole day in such a situation is quite an intense experience. Unfortunately, I find it very difficult to take comfortably for long periods as I have a small opening. Once I get a few other achievements under my belt, I would like to train up to wearing my bipolar plug every days as this will be very good training for any future plumbing requirements…
Interested to hear about your friend who is on more than a bottle of aromas a day. Not being at all judgemental in saying this, but that would be fairly onerous quantity to physically dispense and so wonder how he is administering this dose? When I peaked on popper consumption, my method was to apply a small dose to a particle mask I was wearing in conjunction my other rubber hoods/masks. As much of the poppers would evaporate quickly, the process had to be repeated very frequently (few minutes) to stay in the “right place” - I actually wrote software that told me (“beep!”) when my next dose was due so I would not have to be constantly monitoring my dose and could carry on working. The software can even be set to increment / decrement subsequent periods by a set number of seconds to ramp up / down the experience.
The problems with this method are:
- you regularly got BIG rushes followed by a slow decay in the intensity towards being virtually no dose at the end.
- Much of the poppers evaporate, so is wasteful.
- Requires frequent manual application of poppers to the particle mask.
- Prone to inconsistent doses.
Thus, very interested in how others dispends there high consumptions. Currently, I think the best systems would be a closed plumed system with one way valves as you described, but want to know how others administer.
Dark, it’s very difficult for me to describe poppers as it is such a personal experience. Also, as the health effects are unpredictable on different people, I am really not aiming to promote it (I am promoting a latex lifestyle in TE), but having said that, here goes nothing... First of all, while trying hard to not make it sound like a “wonder drug”, for me it can act is several ways which are very conducive to rubber enclosed life/sex/fetish/breath control – many of its effects being contradictory, depending on my needs and mood. The net result is that it can make me feel more totally enclosed while making it feel more comfortable to be in that state. It can make my breathing feel more asphyxiated when in fact I am re-breathing far less (and frequently not at all). It seems to “cool the blood” at my periphery, such that my body does not over react & perspire when first transitioning from all fresco to TE suit, which it tends to as it adjust over the first hour. It seems to make the rubber feel more rubbery, yet part of your skin. It is frequently used in sex scenes to heighten the sexual experience, but I find it can also cool down an erection if strong doses are taken when getting too close.
Better get the downsides that I have found out of the way: mild dependency, fatal if combined with some other drugs, rumoured to suppress immune system, potentially fatal if swallowed/OD, can result in a hang-over / tiredness if too much taken (similar to alcohol), can (and does) temporarily effect vision, can be VERY disturbing if you accidentally administer too large amount in a confined space (like in a re-breather bag) and can even make you feel like gagging, can totally wreck your libido if over do it…. Basically, it’s not crack but needs to treated with some respect. Unlike alcohol, when u stop taking it, the stronger effects go away in minutes, although it certainly has some effects for hours. Its a very smelly volatile and flammable chemical!
Now to specifics, different people say they administer it in various ways. The advice on my bottle says never sniff from the bottle, use as a room odorizer. I know people who do follow this advice, and probably have a great time, but I sniff it in fairly concentrated form. It is marketed here at different strength and I find the weaker ones are best for my current administration methods – although unlike the stronger stuff, the beneficial effects weaken as you get to the bottom third of the bottle, leaving just the negative effects.
On the first breath or two, there is a definite “rush”, which I would say is not really like smoking Pot, unless you have better stuff than they have in Holland (Pot is not legal in the UK…). It’s a little like your first ever drink of strong spirits – a strong warm physical feeling (a little like an orgasm). I find it is a whole body thing and seems to effect the sensation from the skin, initially quite strongly felt. At the doses I go for, I fairly instantly enter a slightly altered state of conciseness (in the sane sense as being drunk, although it’s a totally different experience). It’s fair to say that this initial experience is the most abrupt rush you get with poppers and is repeated each time you take your first sniff, assuming you sober up sufficiently (hours).
Soon respiration can be affected by the chemical – which can go different ways seemingly depending on mood. I used to find I would want to massively hyper ventilate, although I could stop it quickly if I chose to. I don’t think it affects your judgment as much as alcohol – although I suppose I could be deluding myself. As you take it you can proceed along a ramp of intensity of experience by taking more frequent sniffs, or back off with just an occasional sniff every few minutes to maintain the current mood.
It can make you feel euphoric, but probably less than other drugs. It can make me want to behave in a repetitive or strange way – but only if I am up for it. It defiantly has a profound effect on how you physically feel. I am not sure it affects mood directly, but obviously I tend to be very happy when taking it.
Occasionally, I have felt uncomfortable coming off it too quickly, as if I am compelled to keep taking some, but I think this is mainly psychological and has always passed.
Dark - I would be VERY interested in anything you find in future about the tube that does not require a PA.
Magnum – your premise: "I want to live my live totally enclosed in rubber on the verge of an orgasm in all my waking hours" is quite close (no objection to being stimulated in my sleep either). However, the reality of such a life is living a virtual agony of sexual tension (which I do often have to “endure”). As others have said in the past though, what seems to happen when you do actually spend days on end in TE is that you transition to a more sustainable sublime sensual state. This is different from the intense sexual state you experience when, for example, you repeatedly have cycle / transition from mundane life a couple of day to rubber life the next couple of days. Very difficult to explain, but although you are still very sexually charged up, the art of control is easier and you can reach a sort of deeper sensual level that has some of the same characteristics people report as spiritual (not spiritual myself). The “agony” of sexual tension reduces and becomes sacrifice you are willing to endure. Perhaps I am describing something that is so deeply personal an experience it is futile try… So how about “…being constantly a good three steps back from being on the edge of an orgasm…”.
Magnum – yes I need the popper vapour injection system to work while lying down as well as vertical. Also, if you are in it all day, every day, it must be made so you can make it safe when inverted (for example when picking something up off the floor, putting on boots...). And yes I like the idea of something that can be turned down some of the time and then either turned up or augmented by a quick hit of more intense vapour and then return to a maintenance dose. This would defiantly help me cope and augment the whole lifestyle experience.
As to if I want to even have the option of changing the maintenance dose once in my TE, I will ponder on. Maybe someone else should preset that for me…
Magnum, thanks for the complements and encouragement and thanks for email pictures and posting on Popper machines. VERY interesting. Imagine combining a ultra low maintenance dose with a instant boost shot where the situation requires it. Very exciting thought! Will search for online suppliers when I get a chance otherwise it will have to wait till I am next out of rubber to go to the city shops…
I see that much of the mechanisms could be adapted from fish tank suppliers, but what about the battery powered air pump? What is the intended use for that small pump?
It was good hearing about your sessions, to put the technology into context. What part does the alcohol drinking tubes, poppers air supply have? Are they stimulating you to a certain mind set or acting as a suppressant to hold you back from orgasm?
Was interesting to hear you also go for electrical stimulation. That’s something I like to and also find that a butt plug can actually stave off over stimulation of the penis as it such a distraction! I sometime wear one but find being locked in my suit for a whole day in such a situation is quite an intense experience. Unfortunately, I find it very difficult to take comfortably for long periods as I have a small opening. Once I get a few other achievements under my belt, I would like to train up to wearing my bipolar plug every days as this will be very good training for any future plumbing requirements…
Interested to hear about your friend who is on more than a bottle of aromas a day. Not being at all judgemental in saying this, but that would be fairly onerous quantity to physically dispense and so wonder how he is administering this dose? When I peaked on popper consumption, my method was to apply a small dose to a particle mask I was wearing in conjunction my other rubber hoods/masks. As much of the poppers would evaporate quickly, the process had to be repeated very frequently (few minutes) to stay in the “right place” - I actually wrote software that told me (“beep!”) when my next dose was due so I would not have to be constantly monitoring my dose and could carry on working. The software can even be set to increment / decrement subsequent periods by a set number of seconds to ramp up / down the experience.
The problems with this method are:
- you regularly got BIG rushes followed by a slow decay in the intensity towards being virtually no dose at the end.
- Much of the poppers evaporate, so is wasteful.
- Requires frequent manual application of poppers to the particle mask.
- Prone to inconsistent doses.
Thus, very interested in how others dispends there high consumptions. Currently, I think the best systems would be a closed plumed system with one way valves as you described, but want to know how others administer.
Dark, it’s very difficult for me to describe poppers as it is such a personal experience. Also, as the health effects are unpredictable on different people, I am really not aiming to promote it (I am promoting a latex lifestyle in TE), but having said that, here goes nothing... First of all, while trying hard to not make it sound like a “wonder drug”, for me it can act is several ways which are very conducive to rubber enclosed life/sex/fetish/breath control – many of its effects being contradictory, depending on my needs and mood. The net result is that it can make me feel more totally enclosed while making it feel more comfortable to be in that state. It can make my breathing feel more asphyxiated when in fact I am re-breathing far less (and frequently not at all). It seems to “cool the blood” at my periphery, such that my body does not over react & perspire when first transitioning from all fresco to TE suit, which it tends to as it adjust over the first hour. It seems to make the rubber feel more rubbery, yet part of your skin. It is frequently used in sex scenes to heighten the sexual experience, but I find it can also cool down an erection if strong doses are taken when getting too close.
Better get the downsides that I have found out of the way: mild dependency, fatal if combined with some other drugs, rumoured to suppress immune system, potentially fatal if swallowed/OD, can result in a hang-over / tiredness if too much taken (similar to alcohol), can (and does) temporarily effect vision, can be VERY disturbing if you accidentally administer too large amount in a confined space (like in a re-breather bag) and can even make you feel like gagging, can totally wreck your libido if over do it…. Basically, it’s not crack but needs to treated with some respect. Unlike alcohol, when u stop taking it, the stronger effects go away in minutes, although it certainly has some effects for hours. Its a very smelly volatile and flammable chemical!
Now to specifics, different people say they administer it in various ways. The advice on my bottle says never sniff from the bottle, use as a room odorizer. I know people who do follow this advice, and probably have a great time, but I sniff it in fairly concentrated form. It is marketed here at different strength and I find the weaker ones are best for my current administration methods – although unlike the stronger stuff, the beneficial effects weaken as you get to the bottom third of the bottle, leaving just the negative effects.
On the first breath or two, there is a definite “rush”, which I would say is not really like smoking Pot, unless you have better stuff than they have in Holland (Pot is not legal in the UK…). It’s a little like your first ever drink of strong spirits – a strong warm physical feeling (a little like an orgasm). I find it is a whole body thing and seems to effect the sensation from the skin, initially quite strongly felt. At the doses I go for, I fairly instantly enter a slightly altered state of conciseness (in the sane sense as being drunk, although it’s a totally different experience). It’s fair to say that this initial experience is the most abrupt rush you get with poppers and is repeated each time you take your first sniff, assuming you sober up sufficiently (hours).
Soon respiration can be affected by the chemical – which can go different ways seemingly depending on mood. I used to find I would want to massively hyper ventilate, although I could stop it quickly if I chose to. I don’t think it affects your judgment as much as alcohol – although I suppose I could be deluding myself. As you take it you can proceed along a ramp of intensity of experience by taking more frequent sniffs, or back off with just an occasional sniff every few minutes to maintain the current mood.
It can make you feel euphoric, but probably less than other drugs. It can make me want to behave in a repetitive or strange way – but only if I am up for it. It defiantly has a profound effect on how you physically feel. I am not sure it affects mood directly, but obviously I tend to be very happy when taking it.
Occasionally, I have felt uncomfortable coming off it too quickly, as if I am compelled to keep taking some, but I think this is mainly psychological and has always passed.
Dark - I would be VERY interested in anything you find in future about the tube that does not require a PA.
Magnum – your premise: "I want to live my live totally enclosed in rubber on the verge of an orgasm in all my waking hours" is quite close (no objection to being stimulated in my sleep either). However, the reality of such a life is living a virtual agony of sexual tension (which I do often have to “endure”). As others have said in the past though, what seems to happen when you do actually spend days on end in TE is that you transition to a more sustainable sublime sensual state. This is different from the intense sexual state you experience when, for example, you repeatedly have cycle / transition from mundane life a couple of day to rubber life the next couple of days. Very difficult to explain, but although you are still very sexually charged up, the art of control is easier and you can reach a sort of deeper sensual level that has some of the same characteristics people report as spiritual (not spiritual myself). The “agony” of sexual tension reduces and becomes sacrifice you are willing to endure. Perhaps I am describing something that is so deeply personal an experience it is futile try… So how about “…being constantly a good three steps back from being on the edge of an orgasm…”.
Magnum – yes I need the popper vapour injection system to work while lying down as well as vertical. Also, if you are in it all day, every day, it must be made so you can make it safe when inverted (for example when picking something up off the floor, putting on boots...). And yes I like the idea of something that can be turned down some of the time and then either turned up or augmented by a quick hit of more intense vapour and then return to a maintenance dose. This would defiantly help me cope and augment the whole lifestyle experience.
As to if I want to even have the option of changing the maintenance dose once in my TE, I will ponder on. Maybe someone else should preset that for me…
Monday, July 17, 2006
More perfect air (or maybe less…)
Thanks for all your responses both email and here. I found them all very enjoyable reading!
I think your right about me needing to live my life in my own peculiar way. I have occasionally tried living other ways to make others feel at ease and fit in, but that never works and leads to me developing resentment and frustration – which does no one any good. TE life really IS a large part of what I consider to be “me”. Going for any substantial time without TE makes me unhappy – simple as that.
Also, given that I have the freedom to live and work any way I want, it would seem a terrible waste to not live my fantasy lifestyle in real life, while I still can. The special blend of ingredients & practices that make up my current life, have delivered to me sensations, stimulation and unbelievable levels of sexual joy that I suppose few other humans have been lucky enough to experience. Sure, others are leading different lives resulting in great experiences and achievements that I could never hope to achieve while I am living in my rubber skin, but while I am still achieving new levels of sensuality and eroticism, which are linked to ever greater degrees of TE perfection and endurances (with my associated air supply modifications), it would seem madness to me to stop now. From my perspective, I would expert that at least some humans were living my wonderful life, although I rarely hear from men who are actually living every day in rubber total enclosure. Am I really the luckiest man in the world?
As for the poppers, they are definitely part of the air control segment of my true lifestyle mix. Their absence was as much an experiment & challenge as the rest of my program to live in latex. In essence, I think I had reached the limit to how much this chemical could carry me towards my TE goals. Living off slowly increasing amounts of poppers in my air supply had allowed me to comfortably stay totally enclosed for far longer than I had managed on a daily basis before, but this came with the obvious effects of poppers (along with some side effects) which were becoming problematic. The most obvious challenge daily, I had to find the will power to be able to function as a worker / human being, for at least 8 hours of a day, beyond just being a wriggling mass of chemical/rubber pleasure. Over the longer term, my home working sustains my rubber lifestyle so every day I have to fight to keep just at bay the combined pleasures of rubber and chemicals – which, when it works, is the essence of my dream lifestyle, but at one stage the chemicals were starting to win…
I used to have real dread and foreboding about running out of Amyl Nitrate, thinking I would not make the day out - a major deal when I was using the points system to push me to new levels of rubber living. I had deliberately made the consequences of not meeting targets onerous. However, now living in rubber without my chemical air is something I know I can do, if I have to (and am doing right this second), so I feel safe to return to using poppers to subtly adjust or strongly heighten the experience depending on my daily cycle requirements.
I read with great interest the description of the chemical aroma supply mechanism - both here and via email. I would prefer it all to be posted here rather than email, as I think others may find it useful. Would love to know more about where to get the valves u mentioned in your mail. I will set to work with my bench drill to see if I can make my own (yes rubber enclosed people can and do have workshops and, if careful and patient, can make things with their rubber skinned hands!). I will want to be wearing mine all the time and just adjusting the valve to start / stop / adjust the flow. It seems to work for you at various angles – but am interested to know the limits as in daily life I could be easily going through more than ninety degrees, so would need to know what to avoid doing. As I prefer to be locked in my rubber skin, it could be disastrous if a large volume of Amyl Nitrates flooded my breathing apparatus!
You asked about weekly consumption – well I have never really logged it. It seems to depend on the type of aroma – some brands are much stronger than others by same manufacturer and I have not settled on a preferred brew yet. I just use the amount that takes me to right place as and when I need it. Although I am guessing, I suspect we are not talking large number of bottles a week. I wonder what the average & heavy consumers uses? Anyway, watch this space…
Then u asked how much time during the day would I want to be suffocating / hypoxic, and/or how much of the time would I want to be moderated by poppers? Well these are tricky water as you used the word “want” from which I infer my goal going forward, rather than past experience. As I will have said before, I tended to be either on poppers and/or re-breathing most days in the past – although not necessarily for the whole 24 hours. I started out using poppers in any situation where practical reason prevent re-breathing (anything even slightly physical, where I needed clear vision, control of my labido etc…). Poppers did become an almost constant thing during the working day at one point, so eventually decided to decouple the whole TE thing from everything else by giving up everything except TE.
Going forward, I can be less sure of what I will actually do as it will depend on how I feel after many days of exposure. Theoretically I love the idea of affecting my breathing experience all the time I am in total enclosure and so am drawn to very low levels of either re-breathing and/or chemical aromas. This would allow better equip me to exist in that “Goldon State” you mentioned. But how will I feel after a few days of constantly modified breathing? Would I be a zombie even with low levels of modified air? Would I adjust to it and need to step up the intensity to achieve the same state. Lets see shall we? Comment on any personal experiences welcome on this point…
The difference between the experience of the “bubble sessions” and that of using controllable (low volume) re-breathers is huge. The bubble was so big I could work in there online for days as long as I used a dehumidifier. Both have their times and places I think. I sometimes imagine getting the huge walk in bubble to just the right air mix and then maintaining it there through some air pump mechanisms… The down side (or up side, depending on your outlook) is that you are more or less a prisoner in a small space for days.
The perfect air is often dictated by the time of day, activity you are embarked on and even mood. Not come up with a mix that works in all situations yet, but a good starting point for suffocation is just to be at the point of needing to work constantly to breathe, but not be panting / gasping out of control.Blackie…
Your TE night experience sounded really good and very “total” with just the breathing tube connecting you to outside. Mmmmm. Very nice to think on.
The Russian masks do come in loads of sizes (despite the claims of fetish shops of one size fits all) – including XL, XXL… Try army surplus shops which often do a better range at cheaper prices.
I find it sweet that the checkout girl was worried you were not in your usual rubber. Wish everyone was like that!
Although I have to say 12 hours of erotic arousal in rubber is a very good effort, I have to ask - if you are starting to smell, who cares as long as you manage to keep the smell on the inside of your rubber skin? I am not saying you should have no regard to the health of your skin and ignore the messages it sends you, but wonder if the reason u r getting out of rubber is more aesthetic than practical? As long as I can keep comfortable and not get too wet, I treat my rubber as my true outer skin – everything else as “internal organs”. So long as my rubber skin is clean and smell sweets on the outside, I can illuminate any “aesthetic” reasons for me to have to ever come out – that is until other practical reasons and skin health factors come to a head.
Like I said – still impressed by your efforts as I know you push the physical envelope and generally treat your fetish in a more endurance oriented manner than myself. A good day for you seems to involve physical activity that works up a good sweat which you want to endure. A really good day for me is where I am still dry after 24 hours! No rights and wrongs here of course.
While we are on the subject, as many people will know, the BO smell is attributed to the action of bacteria that feed on your perspiration – not the perspiration itself. The levels of these bacteria build up over the years. I am no big user of personal hygiene products (many are unsafe for rubber so prefer to just shower regularly) but find many are starting to include an agent the weeds out the smellier bacteria – and so long after the immediate effect of the antiperspirant product has worn away, my sweat is reduced to virtually odourless. So, I have taken to using the unperformed versions when showering if I know I am embarking on a extended non-rubber period, and not going straight back into my rubber skin.
I think your right about me needing to live my life in my own peculiar way. I have occasionally tried living other ways to make others feel at ease and fit in, but that never works and leads to me developing resentment and frustration – which does no one any good. TE life really IS a large part of what I consider to be “me”. Going for any substantial time without TE makes me unhappy – simple as that.
Also, given that I have the freedom to live and work any way I want, it would seem a terrible waste to not live my fantasy lifestyle in real life, while I still can. The special blend of ingredients & practices that make up my current life, have delivered to me sensations, stimulation and unbelievable levels of sexual joy that I suppose few other humans have been lucky enough to experience. Sure, others are leading different lives resulting in great experiences and achievements that I could never hope to achieve while I am living in my rubber skin, but while I am still achieving new levels of sensuality and eroticism, which are linked to ever greater degrees of TE perfection and endurances (with my associated air supply modifications), it would seem madness to me to stop now. From my perspective, I would expert that at least some humans were living my wonderful life, although I rarely hear from men who are actually living every day in rubber total enclosure. Am I really the luckiest man in the world?
As for the poppers, they are definitely part of the air control segment of my true lifestyle mix. Their absence was as much an experiment & challenge as the rest of my program to live in latex. In essence, I think I had reached the limit to how much this chemical could carry me towards my TE goals. Living off slowly increasing amounts of poppers in my air supply had allowed me to comfortably stay totally enclosed for far longer than I had managed on a daily basis before, but this came with the obvious effects of poppers (along with some side effects) which were becoming problematic. The most obvious challenge daily, I had to find the will power to be able to function as a worker / human being, for at least 8 hours of a day, beyond just being a wriggling mass of chemical/rubber pleasure. Over the longer term, my home working sustains my rubber lifestyle so every day I have to fight to keep just at bay the combined pleasures of rubber and chemicals – which, when it works, is the essence of my dream lifestyle, but at one stage the chemicals were starting to win…
I used to have real dread and foreboding about running out of Amyl Nitrate, thinking I would not make the day out - a major deal when I was using the points system to push me to new levels of rubber living. I had deliberately made the consequences of not meeting targets onerous. However, now living in rubber without my chemical air is something I know I can do, if I have to (and am doing right this second), so I feel safe to return to using poppers to subtly adjust or strongly heighten the experience depending on my daily cycle requirements.
I read with great interest the description of the chemical aroma supply mechanism - both here and via email. I would prefer it all to be posted here rather than email, as I think others may find it useful. Would love to know more about where to get the valves u mentioned in your mail. I will set to work with my bench drill to see if I can make my own (yes rubber enclosed people can and do have workshops and, if careful and patient, can make things with their rubber skinned hands!). I will want to be wearing mine all the time and just adjusting the valve to start / stop / adjust the flow. It seems to work for you at various angles – but am interested to know the limits as in daily life I could be easily going through more than ninety degrees, so would need to know what to avoid doing. As I prefer to be locked in my rubber skin, it could be disastrous if a large volume of Amyl Nitrates flooded my breathing apparatus!
You asked about weekly consumption – well I have never really logged it. It seems to depend on the type of aroma – some brands are much stronger than others by same manufacturer and I have not settled on a preferred brew yet. I just use the amount that takes me to right place as and when I need it. Although I am guessing, I suspect we are not talking large number of bottles a week. I wonder what the average & heavy consumers uses? Anyway, watch this space…
Then u asked how much time during the day would I want to be suffocating / hypoxic, and/or how much of the time would I want to be moderated by poppers? Well these are tricky water as you used the word “want” from which I infer my goal going forward, rather than past experience. As I will have said before, I tended to be either on poppers and/or re-breathing most days in the past – although not necessarily for the whole 24 hours. I started out using poppers in any situation where practical reason prevent re-breathing (anything even slightly physical, where I needed clear vision, control of my labido etc…). Poppers did become an almost constant thing during the working day at one point, so eventually decided to decouple the whole TE thing from everything else by giving up everything except TE.
Going forward, I can be less sure of what I will actually do as it will depend on how I feel after many days of exposure. Theoretically I love the idea of affecting my breathing experience all the time I am in total enclosure and so am drawn to very low levels of either re-breathing and/or chemical aromas. This would allow better equip me to exist in that “Goldon State” you mentioned. But how will I feel after a few days of constantly modified breathing? Would I be a zombie even with low levels of modified air? Would I adjust to it and need to step up the intensity to achieve the same state. Lets see shall we? Comment on any personal experiences welcome on this point…
The difference between the experience of the “bubble sessions” and that of using controllable (low volume) re-breathers is huge. The bubble was so big I could work in there online for days as long as I used a dehumidifier. Both have their times and places I think. I sometimes imagine getting the huge walk in bubble to just the right air mix and then maintaining it there through some air pump mechanisms… The down side (or up side, depending on your outlook) is that you are more or less a prisoner in a small space for days.
The perfect air is often dictated by the time of day, activity you are embarked on and even mood. Not come up with a mix that works in all situations yet, but a good starting point for suffocation is just to be at the point of needing to work constantly to breathe, but not be panting / gasping out of control.Blackie…
Your TE night experience sounded really good and very “total” with just the breathing tube connecting you to outside. Mmmmm. Very nice to think on.
The Russian masks do come in loads of sizes (despite the claims of fetish shops of one size fits all) – including XL, XXL… Try army surplus shops which often do a better range at cheaper prices.
I find it sweet that the checkout girl was worried you were not in your usual rubber. Wish everyone was like that!
Although I have to say 12 hours of erotic arousal in rubber is a very good effort, I have to ask - if you are starting to smell, who cares as long as you manage to keep the smell on the inside of your rubber skin? I am not saying you should have no regard to the health of your skin and ignore the messages it sends you, but wonder if the reason u r getting out of rubber is more aesthetic than practical? As long as I can keep comfortable and not get too wet, I treat my rubber as my true outer skin – everything else as “internal organs”. So long as my rubber skin is clean and smell sweets on the outside, I can illuminate any “aesthetic” reasons for me to have to ever come out – that is until other practical reasons and skin health factors come to a head.
Like I said – still impressed by your efforts as I know you push the physical envelope and generally treat your fetish in a more endurance oriented manner than myself. A good day for you seems to involve physical activity that works up a good sweat which you want to endure. A really good day for me is where I am still dry after 24 hours! No rights and wrongs here of course.
While we are on the subject, as many people will know, the BO smell is attributed to the action of bacteria that feed on your perspiration – not the perspiration itself. The levels of these bacteria build up over the years. I am no big user of personal hygiene products (many are unsafe for rubber so prefer to just shower regularly) but find many are starting to include an agent the weeds out the smellier bacteria – and so long after the immediate effect of the antiperspirant product has worn away, my sweat is reduced to virtually odourless. So, I have taken to using the unperformed versions when showering if I know I am embarking on a extended non-rubber period, and not going straight back into my rubber skin.
Friday, July 14, 2006
The perfect air?
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Thursday, July 06, 2006
The "Perfect Suit" part 1...
Rubber life goes on and I think I am starting to adjust a little to wearing a rubber sheath all day. To be honest, the current weather here is not helping as I am so hot in here, I may as well be pissing in my suit I am so wet sometimes. The only way to keep cool is to regularly spray my outer rubber skin with a mist of water and stay in the path of a cooling fan. Still these are exceptional times and I am looking forward to the usual cool weather returning before long – if not I am going to have to admit failure, invest in AC and say a last goodbye to any hope for the environment...
I like some of these ideas that Dark commented on my last post.
I must admit to having been very conservative with my suits in recent times. As I wear them for long periods most days, I have tended to go for the safe options that I know work – if in a compromised manner, with only small variations. I go through a lot of suits, so the cost or comfort implications of an incorrect decision have always put me off. But mean time, my requirements of what I demand from my totally enclosed lifestyle have evolved somewhat and now I find that standard total enclosure suits just do not deliver what I am looking for. So I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and go down the special commissioning route...
So I am looking for good manufacturers who are up to a special commission that I can wear everyday for prolonged periods. I am also looking for further ideas on dealing with the usual challenges of living in rubber total enclosure…
So what would be the perfect suit? Tricky question, but thought I would make a start and see what feedback I get (if any)….
I need a suit I can comfortably wear for long periods (24 hours minimum is a good starting point) without the need for taking it off for getting fluids in or out. It needs to be totally enclosing (head to foot) and be totally hermetically sealed (not leak air/water in either direction).
I would like the minimum of zips to increase comfort (probably shoulder entry). Would like to be able to lock the zips so I cannot get out without a key (use of external locks and chains etc to achieve this would be perfectly acceptable). I would prefer it to be close fitting, fairly robust yet not so thick as to be uncomfortable / chaffing. I want the minimum of layers – but may compromise. I need to be able to type on a keyboard, so good fitting gloves are a requirement – although these can be augmented with specialist over gloves for various demanding tasks.
I would want to have the option of fitting breathing apparatus (bags, filters etc) to increase the feeling of enclosure. On the other hand, I need to be able to configure the mask to allow me to converse clearly on the telephone.
I like the idea of separate toes as well as fingers very much, but more a desirable than a “must have”. Not worried about fitting a moulded ear on the hood as I think a sleek head looks better and ears can look ugly. However, the hood must not be too tight over the ears as any flattening of the ears start to get painful sometime around 24 to 36 hours in.
As well as sheath for pissing, it would be a bonus if other functions could be taken care of. Ways of feeding in extra tubes / wires for toys, stimulations and additional functionality without compromising the degree of hermitic seal would be another bonus.
I an ideal world, I would like some way of maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the suit. In particular, I like the idea of cooling tubes like the cosmonauts and astronauts wear – maybe a close fitting outer cooling garment. It would be handy to be able to occasionally run off (or pump out) any accumulation of moisture (or air) in the suit, as long as it did not impair the water/air proof seal (one way valves?).
I like the idea of cyborgs – so being linked to a support system may be acceptable as long as I can be mobile if I need to be.
Anyone got any further ideas?
I like some of these ideas that Dark commented on my last post.
I must admit to having been very conservative with my suits in recent times. As I wear them for long periods most days, I have tended to go for the safe options that I know work – if in a compromised manner, with only small variations. I go through a lot of suits, so the cost or comfort implications of an incorrect decision have always put me off. But mean time, my requirements of what I demand from my totally enclosed lifestyle have evolved somewhat and now I find that standard total enclosure suits just do not deliver what I am looking for. So I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and go down the special commissioning route...
So I am looking for good manufacturers who are up to a special commission that I can wear everyday for prolonged periods. I am also looking for further ideas on dealing with the usual challenges of living in rubber total enclosure…
So what would be the perfect suit? Tricky question, but thought I would make a start and see what feedback I get (if any)….
I need a suit I can comfortably wear for long periods (24 hours minimum is a good starting point) without the need for taking it off for getting fluids in or out. It needs to be totally enclosing (head to foot) and be totally hermetically sealed (not leak air/water in either direction).
I would like the minimum of zips to increase comfort (probably shoulder entry). Would like to be able to lock the zips so I cannot get out without a key (use of external locks and chains etc to achieve this would be perfectly acceptable). I would prefer it to be close fitting, fairly robust yet not so thick as to be uncomfortable / chaffing. I want the minimum of layers – but may compromise. I need to be able to type on a keyboard, so good fitting gloves are a requirement – although these can be augmented with specialist over gloves for various demanding tasks.
I would want to have the option of fitting breathing apparatus (bags, filters etc) to increase the feeling of enclosure. On the other hand, I need to be able to configure the mask to allow me to converse clearly on the telephone.
I like the idea of separate toes as well as fingers very much, but more a desirable than a “must have”. Not worried about fitting a moulded ear on the hood as I think a sleek head looks better and ears can look ugly. However, the hood must not be too tight over the ears as any flattening of the ears start to get painful sometime around 24 to 36 hours in.
As well as sheath for pissing, it would be a bonus if other functions could be taken care of. Ways of feeding in extra tubes / wires for toys, stimulations and additional functionality without compromising the degree of hermitic seal would be another bonus.
I an ideal world, I would like some way of maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the suit. In particular, I like the idea of cooling tubes like the cosmonauts and astronauts wear – maybe a close fitting outer cooling garment. It would be handy to be able to occasionally run off (or pump out) any accumulation of moisture (or air) in the suit, as long as it did not impair the water/air proof seal (one way valves?).
I like the idea of cyborgs – so being linked to a support system may be acceptable as long as I can be mobile if I need to be.
Anyone got any further ideas?
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Living in a rubber sheaths
[WARNING – This entry contains mention bodily functions (No 1s!)]
I have been experimenting with wearing a new rubber suit / pants to work and thought I should right up my experiences and challenges…
As my particular preference is for being as totally sealed as possible for as much time as possible, certain practical limits are met fairly quickly. Some time ago I wrote up my list of challenges and issue that face the lifestyle totally rubber enclosed person as I wanted a “hit list” of problems that need to be addressed, in priority order, to better be able to sustain my chosen lifestyle. See my entry for "Wednesday, November 23, 2005" for all, but a major one is passing water - urinating, pissing, call it what u prefer. Unsavoury subject maybe, but urination is a basic failing of the body that I need to be addressed in order to live in latex. Of course I could just wear a suit with a front zip, but :
A) Where would the fun in that be!!!
B) I find zips problematic in terms of comfort – and getting in the way of that sleek rubbery “ideal” - the look, the feel, call it what u will.
C) Zips break the whole hermitic seal thing, which is a major physiological thing I like to achieve for prolonged periods (a major turn on for me). Just being able to open an easily accessible zip to get inside is just not “right” in my (deranged) mind.
D) Zips leak sweat (etc) and leave embarrassing puddles all over the place.
E) Being non-stretchy, Zips are a major cause of “rubber fatigue” and seam failure (back zips in particular).
So any way, I prefer to find other solutions as, up till now, I have needed to disrobe or “compromise” (in my mind) via a zip the totality of my prolonged encasement for this body function. When going for new distance records of strict total enclosure, the only other option being planned dehydration and/or pissing in the suit – but both these options are less than ideal and apart from anything else, give an upper limit of only a few days before u start to drown in your own juices.
I tried other things like external and internal medical catheters – but with disastrous results (see previous posts), so sheathes are the current way I am going.
I tried wearing sheaths pants under my favourite shoulder entry suits in the past (which have no access/openings or zips below neck line), but they were not totally successful due to “back flow” problems. Over prolonged periods the cycle of being less/more erect affected the position / fit / and occasional flaccid cycles could affect the ability to keep my male member in the sheath at all. Basically, as access to fine tune the fit and position was impossible, I was unable to guarantee a good seal and so piss would sometime overflow back into the suit.
My current arrangement is a skin suit with a cock & ball sheath built in. To stop it getting in the way, it is usually behind a pouch which is glued to the front of the suit and has a zipper for access. As the zip is not through to the inside of the suit, it does not cause problems of breaking the suits hermetic seal on the body and as it is a very loose fitting pouch (possibly too big and loose), it does not effect stretch/comfort. I have punched a very small whole in the end of the sheath to allow the pipe from my (romantically named) “pissing pants”, which I wear underneath, to pass through. For those who are not sure what I mean, under the main suit I wear rubber briefs/pants which have another cock and ball sheath which has an attached tube at the tip.
This all means that I am wearing two sheaths over my penis. As I “go” in the inner sheath, the tube carries the piss through to the outside either into a collection bag via a one way valve (which maintains my 100% seal from outside air etc). Alternatively the tube can just be used to let the fluid pour down the toilet pan and, when not pissing, the tube is easily plugged off to restore the totality of my seal.
OK, now to my experience… Does it work to an acceptable level, is it comfortable to wear for long periods etc…
Well, it’s still sort of early days, but I would say it does work from a practical view. As I have access to fine tune my “fit” – I have not had problems with my penis not fitting or popping back out, despite my whole groin area being constantly under two layers of rubber. That means a good seal and seemingly much less problems with back flow.
It’s actually currently tricky to be categorical that there are never problems with ANY back flow as, with the current summer temperatures over last month or so, it has been difficult after some longer session to be totally dry from perspiration and this is difficult to differentiate from urine in small quantities. Also, other limitations mean I have not be able to have any really long session (like several days of TE) and often been limited to having just 8 to 10 hours a day. I will report back any problems with longer sessions, but basically any mess so far has been very easy to cope with for these shorter sessions, even on a daily basis.
Now for the rest of the experience… what’s it like to be sheathed daily? Comfort etc… Well to be honest – a bit of a nightmare at first and I am far from totally converted now. My starting point was that I was already quite a fan of just having my penis held gently but firmly by my latex skin suit against my abdomen (or groin or leg). I like having my bits safely stored away and found it comfortable to move around in, and comforting. I had never been such a big fan of sheaths as I missed the feel and security of my genitalia just being packaged in the suit with the rest of me.
In previous sheath suits, I found my member & balls felt more prone and sort of “external” to the suit. At least this suit has a pouch to put my plumbing away into for safekeeping! The pouch being a little too baggy, means I still don’t get all the support I feel when in my normal (neck entry) suits, but it’s much better than nothing. But I am treating the suit (by Cocoon) as a prototype to “train” in and prove/disprove the concept. Good enough for now to press on and see how I cope…
Then there is getting used to the actual feel of wearing a sheath – in my case, wearing two sheaths layers over my penis all day has been very difficult to get used to. It’s a little like going back to my early attempts at wearing rubber TE every day and still try to be able to function as a human outside of a sex scene (performing my work and daily life etc) – only much worse! Of course we are talking about the most sensitive part of my anatomy being in very restrictive rubber encasement hour after hour…
I am hardly hung like a horse, probably below average in fact, but sheath makers (particularly of pissing pants) seem to be prone to making the diameter just that little too tight around my girth. The constant pressure is partly delightful, but also challenging. Getting the right fit and lubrication are even more imperative than ever and I have frequently suffered from uncomfortable skin chaffing and irritation around the tip of the penis. Occasionally the discomfort has built up over successive days to be severe enough to result in me choosing to stop wearing any rubber at all for several days – so a MAJOR issue!
Even when not faced with pain, the sensation of rubber 360 around your shaft is really difficult to ignore! I am constantly made aware of my rubber layers as I cycle through various degrees of erectional extension. I found myself not being able to stop myself having to adjust myself on a regular basis. On the one hand this is very pleasurable sensation and makes me feel very sensual and sexually alive – but when lived over hour and days, this corporeal imperative does make it very difficult to be able to think straight for more than a millisecond! The more abstract the matter, the harder it is to form coherent thoughts as I am regularly distracted by my rubber confined manhood.
Just like my early experiences of living and working in rubber, whole days become a mentally exhausting struggle to function against my instinct to give in to my rubber sexual bliss. The difference being that so far I have not been able to acclimatise to my double sheathes as quickly as with just being in rubber all day. I find that I am failing to be able to take it often and I do succumb. I also I am not able to make new targets in extending my encasement. Still – maybe I underestimate that original challenge with hindsight and I maybe I will start to adjust soon if I force myself through the “wall”. Because the potential prize of improving the practicalities of extended rubber total enclosure is there, I will not yield and will just have to re-double my efforts…
Wish me luck,
I have been experimenting with wearing a new rubber suit / pants to work and thought I should right up my experiences and challenges…
As my particular preference is for being as totally sealed as possible for as much time as possible, certain practical limits are met fairly quickly. Some time ago I wrote up my list of challenges and issue that face the lifestyle totally rubber enclosed person as I wanted a “hit list” of problems that need to be addressed, in priority order, to better be able to sustain my chosen lifestyle. See my entry for "Wednesday, November 23, 2005" for all, but a major one is passing water - urinating, pissing, call it what u prefer. Unsavoury subject maybe, but urination is a basic failing of the body that I need to be addressed in order to live in latex. Of course I could just wear a suit with a front zip, but :
A) Where would the fun in that be!!!
B) I find zips problematic in terms of comfort – and getting in the way of that sleek rubbery “ideal” - the look, the feel, call it what u will.
C) Zips break the whole hermitic seal thing, which is a major physiological thing I like to achieve for prolonged periods (a major turn on for me). Just being able to open an easily accessible zip to get inside is just not “right” in my (deranged) mind.
D) Zips leak sweat (etc) and leave embarrassing puddles all over the place.
E) Being non-stretchy, Zips are a major cause of “rubber fatigue” and seam failure (back zips in particular).
So any way, I prefer to find other solutions as, up till now, I have needed to disrobe or “compromise” (in my mind) via a zip the totality of my prolonged encasement for this body function. When going for new distance records of strict total enclosure, the only other option being planned dehydration and/or pissing in the suit – but both these options are less than ideal and apart from anything else, give an upper limit of only a few days before u start to drown in your own juices.
I tried other things like external and internal medical catheters – but with disastrous results (see previous posts), so sheathes are the current way I am going.
I tried wearing sheaths pants under my favourite shoulder entry suits in the past (which have no access/openings or zips below neck line), but they were not totally successful due to “back flow” problems. Over prolonged periods the cycle of being less/more erect affected the position / fit / and occasional flaccid cycles could affect the ability to keep my male member in the sheath at all. Basically, as access to fine tune the fit and position was impossible, I was unable to guarantee a good seal and so piss would sometime overflow back into the suit.
My current arrangement is a skin suit with a cock & ball sheath built in. To stop it getting in the way, it is usually behind a pouch which is glued to the front of the suit and has a zipper for access. As the zip is not through to the inside of the suit, it does not cause problems of breaking the suits hermetic seal on the body and as it is a very loose fitting pouch (possibly too big and loose), it does not effect stretch/comfort. I have punched a very small whole in the end of the sheath to allow the pipe from my (romantically named) “pissing pants”, which I wear underneath, to pass through. For those who are not sure what I mean, under the main suit I wear rubber briefs/pants which have another cock and ball sheath which has an attached tube at the tip.
This all means that I am wearing two sheaths over my penis. As I “go” in the inner sheath, the tube carries the piss through to the outside either into a collection bag via a one way valve (which maintains my 100% seal from outside air etc). Alternatively the tube can just be used to let the fluid pour down the toilet pan and, when not pissing, the tube is easily plugged off to restore the totality of my seal.
OK, now to my experience… Does it work to an acceptable level, is it comfortable to wear for long periods etc…
Well, it’s still sort of early days, but I would say it does work from a practical view. As I have access to fine tune my “fit” – I have not had problems with my penis not fitting or popping back out, despite my whole groin area being constantly under two layers of rubber. That means a good seal and seemingly much less problems with back flow.
It’s actually currently tricky to be categorical that there are never problems with ANY back flow as, with the current summer temperatures over last month or so, it has been difficult after some longer session to be totally dry from perspiration and this is difficult to differentiate from urine in small quantities. Also, other limitations mean I have not be able to have any really long session (like several days of TE) and often been limited to having just 8 to 10 hours a day. I will report back any problems with longer sessions, but basically any mess so far has been very easy to cope with for these shorter sessions, even on a daily basis.
Now for the rest of the experience… what’s it like to be sheathed daily? Comfort etc… Well to be honest – a bit of a nightmare at first and I am far from totally converted now. My starting point was that I was already quite a fan of just having my penis held gently but firmly by my latex skin suit against my abdomen (or groin or leg). I like having my bits safely stored away and found it comfortable to move around in, and comforting. I had never been such a big fan of sheaths as I missed the feel and security of my genitalia just being packaged in the suit with the rest of me.
In previous sheath suits, I found my member & balls felt more prone and sort of “external” to the suit. At least this suit has a pouch to put my plumbing away into for safekeeping! The pouch being a little too baggy, means I still don’t get all the support I feel when in my normal (neck entry) suits, but it’s much better than nothing. But I am treating the suit (by Cocoon) as a prototype to “train” in and prove/disprove the concept. Good enough for now to press on and see how I cope…
Then there is getting used to the actual feel of wearing a sheath – in my case, wearing two sheaths layers over my penis all day has been very difficult to get used to. It’s a little like going back to my early attempts at wearing rubber TE every day and still try to be able to function as a human outside of a sex scene (performing my work and daily life etc) – only much worse! Of course we are talking about the most sensitive part of my anatomy being in very restrictive rubber encasement hour after hour…
I am hardly hung like a horse, probably below average in fact, but sheath makers (particularly of pissing pants) seem to be prone to making the diameter just that little too tight around my girth. The constant pressure is partly delightful, but also challenging. Getting the right fit and lubrication are even more imperative than ever and I have frequently suffered from uncomfortable skin chaffing and irritation around the tip of the penis. Occasionally the discomfort has built up over successive days to be severe enough to result in me choosing to stop wearing any rubber at all for several days – so a MAJOR issue!
Even when not faced with pain, the sensation of rubber 360 around your shaft is really difficult to ignore! I am constantly made aware of my rubber layers as I cycle through various degrees of erectional extension. I found myself not being able to stop myself having to adjust myself on a regular basis. On the one hand this is very pleasurable sensation and makes me feel very sensual and sexually alive – but when lived over hour and days, this corporeal imperative does make it very difficult to be able to think straight for more than a millisecond! The more abstract the matter, the harder it is to form coherent thoughts as I am regularly distracted by my rubber confined manhood.
Just like my early experiences of living and working in rubber, whole days become a mentally exhausting struggle to function against my instinct to give in to my rubber sexual bliss. The difference being that so far I have not been able to acclimatise to my double sheathes as quickly as with just being in rubber all day. I find that I am failing to be able to take it often and I do succumb. I also I am not able to make new targets in extending my encasement. Still – maybe I underestimate that original challenge with hindsight and I maybe I will start to adjust soon if I force myself through the “wall”. Because the potential prize of improving the practicalities of extended rubber total enclosure is there, I will not yield and will just have to re-double my efforts…
Wish me luck,
Friday, June 02, 2006
Friday, 02 June 2006
Thanks for the comments (and emails) welcoming the blog back.
I have to say that I am feeling like I am in a cultural pincer movement with these high brow comments, which would be all the more intimidating and frankly alarming if you two could spell & type :o)
About my partner, yes your right… you don’t want to pry! I only feel comfortable about talking in general terms, other than to say I DO have / want to make compromises to the totality of my enclosure for her/our sake. That’s why I shy away from the whole “24/7” terminology which sets up an unhelpful metric by which total enclosure lifestyle is often judged, and which is often not continuously sustainable for us. I prefer to think of a rubber oriented lifestyle where my default natural state is as rubber enclosed person. Parenthetically, fetish does involve the imagination and so inevitably you do get into that grey area of the ideal being totally enclosed forever – but for me this is somewhere between a long term aim, something to maybe try for a limited time (experiment) some time and a fantasy perfect existence.
A TE lifestyle is inner directed and can see how it may not be a primarily sociable activity or even unsociable (although antisocial seems to be a bit strong). It would not be the first lifestyle that was not focused on a purely social agenda. However, I feel much of the social problems are to do with the perception of society’s intolerance to rubber fetish in public – which I view as innocent fun and my self expression. The actions of people like Blackie to push society’s limits mean that it would be a brave soul who could predict how easy/difficult it will be for future fetishists to live out their chosen existence in public. I believe people like backie are groundbreakers, and can only do good for acceptance of fetish lifestyles. If the past is any guide, we may be amazed by future attitudes.
A major social stumbling block seems to be the mask / hood and lack of eye contact. Now I can see that TE may be possible with various degrees of face occlusion. There are different transparent materials for a start – from transparent rubber through to a transparent glass helmet and lots of variation in between. Then there is the prospect of ever thinner masks that portray a human face with some degree of facial expression possible – even if it is a chosen face and not the given (natural) face of the individual.
However, it is likely that for a social existence a rubber enclosed person may chose to vary the type and severity of facial mask – depending on situation as to how comfortable they and others will feel about a mask. It is likely that until society attitudes catches up, that the rubber enclosed persons may find it better to bare their face for many situations – which I frequently do.
Back in the home, I suspect that facial appearance and masking are less of an appearance. As time goes on in some relationships, facial cues seem to become less essential. Maybe this would become a barrier if I were advocating that non lifestyle TE fetishist partner never be allowed to see the given/natural face of their lifestyle TE partner – but for me nothing is ever this absolute. About as realistic as never having seen your wife (or live in partner’s) body when they take a shower – that level of privacy could be arranged I guess, but never felt the need myself.
To again repeat the nature of my fetish as a lifestyle of being a rubber enclosed person, the starting point would be to be regularly enclosed in rubber for significantly longer than necessary for just acting out a fetish sex scene. A normal situation being to generally wear rubber for many hours most days. My current goal is to reorganise my life so I can get back to the sate where I am enclosed in rubber for the more of the time than not being in rubber over a given month or so (as I managed in 2005), once I have achieved my current (non fetish) objectives. Rubber enclosure becoming my “jeans and t-shirt” plus business suit, even if not 24/7/365. As to what I would choose to do after that… Well I am not currently planning anything but watch this space.
Now all the above was mainly general – but how about how it effects my sociability. Well I must admit that I am on the horns of a dilemma. There is a part of my character which likes to be sociable with my many friends and be “out there” travelling and meeting with the people of the world. On there other side there is a very strong drive for me to be totally enclosed as much as possible and I feel more and more uncomfortable every hour I am not enclosed in rubber. This feeling is like a cross between holding your breath and living a lie/losing identity. When it has been days and I am stuck in a situation being sociable, I can actually start to feel grubby that I am just being what I think they want me to be.
So to be truthful, my rubber enclosed lifestyle DOES have an impact on important social and other aspects of my life when I get to the point when I am totally enclosed for the majority of the time. Up until now, this has tended to be a question of sacrifice, compromise and finding a natural level / limit to my time in TE. This level has been fairly easy to find so far, due to the difficulties and sacrifice to physical and psychological comfort in being in rubber for extended periods. But as I have found measure to deal with, or have acclimatised to these issues, I often wonder how much more difficult it will be to break out of my rubber enclosed life to deal with the social and other sides of my character…
I have to say that I am feeling like I am in a cultural pincer movement with these high brow comments, which would be all the more intimidating and frankly alarming if you two could spell & type :o)
About my partner, yes your right… you don’t want to pry! I only feel comfortable about talking in general terms, other than to say I DO have / want to make compromises to the totality of my enclosure for her/our sake. That’s why I shy away from the whole “24/7” terminology which sets up an unhelpful metric by which total enclosure lifestyle is often judged, and which is often not continuously sustainable for us. I prefer to think of a rubber oriented lifestyle where my default natural state is as rubber enclosed person. Parenthetically, fetish does involve the imagination and so inevitably you do get into that grey area of the ideal being totally enclosed forever – but for me this is somewhere between a long term aim, something to maybe try for a limited time (experiment) some time and a fantasy perfect existence.
A TE lifestyle is inner directed and can see how it may not be a primarily sociable activity or even unsociable (although antisocial seems to be a bit strong). It would not be the first lifestyle that was not focused on a purely social agenda. However, I feel much of the social problems are to do with the perception of society’s intolerance to rubber fetish in public – which I view as innocent fun and my self expression. The actions of people like Blackie to push society’s limits mean that it would be a brave soul who could predict how easy/difficult it will be for future fetishists to live out their chosen existence in public. I believe people like backie are groundbreakers, and can only do good for acceptance of fetish lifestyles. If the past is any guide, we may be amazed by future attitudes.
A major social stumbling block seems to be the mask / hood and lack of eye contact. Now I can see that TE may be possible with various degrees of face occlusion. There are different transparent materials for a start – from transparent rubber through to a transparent glass helmet and lots of variation in between. Then there is the prospect of ever thinner masks that portray a human face with some degree of facial expression possible – even if it is a chosen face and not the given (natural) face of the individual.
However, it is likely that for a social existence a rubber enclosed person may chose to vary the type and severity of facial mask – depending on situation as to how comfortable they and others will feel about a mask. It is likely that until society attitudes catches up, that the rubber enclosed persons may find it better to bare their face for many situations – which I frequently do.
Back in the home, I suspect that facial appearance and masking are less of an appearance. As time goes on in some relationships, facial cues seem to become less essential. Maybe this would become a barrier if I were advocating that non lifestyle TE fetishist partner never be allowed to see the given/natural face of their lifestyle TE partner – but for me nothing is ever this absolute. About as realistic as never having seen your wife (or live in partner’s) body when they take a shower – that level of privacy could be arranged I guess, but never felt the need myself.
To again repeat the nature of my fetish as a lifestyle of being a rubber enclosed person, the starting point would be to be regularly enclosed in rubber for significantly longer than necessary for just acting out a fetish sex scene. A normal situation being to generally wear rubber for many hours most days. My current goal is to reorganise my life so I can get back to the sate where I am enclosed in rubber for the more of the time than not being in rubber over a given month or so (as I managed in 2005), once I have achieved my current (non fetish) objectives. Rubber enclosure becoming my “jeans and t-shirt” plus business suit, even if not 24/7/365. As to what I would choose to do after that… Well I am not currently planning anything but watch this space.
Now all the above was mainly general – but how about how it effects my sociability. Well I must admit that I am on the horns of a dilemma. There is a part of my character which likes to be sociable with my many friends and be “out there” travelling and meeting with the people of the world. On there other side there is a very strong drive for me to be totally enclosed as much as possible and I feel more and more uncomfortable every hour I am not enclosed in rubber. This feeling is like a cross between holding your breath and living a lie/losing identity. When it has been days and I am stuck in a situation being sociable, I can actually start to feel grubby that I am just being what I think they want me to be.
So to be truthful, my rubber enclosed lifestyle DOES have an impact on important social and other aspects of my life when I get to the point when I am totally enclosed for the majority of the time. Up until now, this has tended to be a question of sacrifice, compromise and finding a natural level / limit to my time in TE. This level has been fairly easy to find so far, due to the difficulties and sacrifice to physical and psychological comfort in being in rubber for extended periods. But as I have found measure to deal with, or have acclimatised to these issues, I often wonder how much more difficult it will be to break out of my rubber enclosed life to deal with the social and other sides of my character…
Friday, May 26, 2006
Friday, 26 May 2006
You can always rely on Dark for some detailed comments – thank u! Not going to address every point, partly as the entry stands on its merit and partly because I feel out cultured by the ballet references… But having said that it does raise some interesting points regarding the Platonic ideal I carry in my head for my self image based on my fetish.
A quick note on the phrase “Platonic Ideal” Dark uses, as I see there is a great risk of readers getting the wrong impression here. I believe Dark is specifically NOT talking about some sort of Platonic love (love without carnal desires), but a philosophy of attempting to capture the essence of a pure form / concept. i.e. Perfection. The essence of a wheel is a perfect geometric circle. The essence of my perfect form may be a sleek, rubber enclosed person … bla bla… You get the picture.
I did find it interesting to realise that a person’s pursuit of the Platonic Ideal does seem to usually require dedication / hard work / compromise / sacrifice / discomfort in most endeavours and not just my own - being a totally sealed rubber enclosed person. It also seems to often involve some additional voluntary compromise to subdue the ideal in order to integrate into some social contexts – as in: a ballet dancer may decide to refrain from pirouetting in their tights during a funeral service at the risk of being thought to be showing off their Platonic Ideal package! Of course, no body could stop him from turning up in his prancing outfit – although they may try discouraging him if forewarned.
I must admit to being a little shocked by Darks comment that 2nd skin fetishist ‘…could only be tolerated in very minor doses before "laws" were enacted against it.’. Laws? My goodness, do we really live in societies that are so intolerant as to criminalise a particular mode of dress, just because of a sexual overtone or dehumanisation effect? Surely we are living in a society where we are progressing towards tolerance and that things that would have been totally unacceptable for (say) any women to wear 50 years ago (too explicit) are now the basis for all ladies summer fashion? Do you not live in the land of the free!!! Hmmm… I just looked out the window and remembered the latest rant I heard from the far right… and I am starting to think that Dark may have a point...
On another topic, the idea that my fetish ideal requires another to view my in that image does not ring true for me, I have to say. I accept it does for Dark and others – even if it is a theoretical other person. I am NOT saying that I do not want / have sex with others. I am saying that my fetish is not contingent on another’s perception or interaction, even if their participation would be welcome. Primarily, my fetish (Fetish~=fixation on an inanimate object who’s presence is necessary for sexual gratification) is my desire (love?) of the rubber second skin, which ideally should be fully enclosing MY body and/or secondarily, another person’s body. My fetish dreamscape may typically involve other(s) similarly totally enclosed to myself – but it is not contingent on it, even if their presence only facilitates an enhanced experience.
I like to sail, drive and act out my fetish with the company of another. I can do all these on my own without invalidating the essence of what I am doing. I have chosen to live with my partner – but this unrelated to my fetish, which was at least as strong, vibrant and important to me when single and not dating.
For a while I thought I may be alone in this attitude, but as you have probably guessed, have found others via the internet with even more polarized positions than myself. A local fetishist comes to mind, who it seems has absolutely no sexual desires or even preferences for other people – but loves his fetish and does not mind being social with others. To be honest – I am still trying to get my head round this mind set, but accept that it is very real to them and very revealing of my own…
BTW – Work place total enclosure may not be possible for everyone – but it is a reality for me for at least some of the time. As some will recall from last year, up till the end of November, you could have counted the number of days I worked in anything other than “near-TE” on your fingers (Near TE as I chose to remove my mask for some phone conferences). This was obviously not because I braved the work place fully suited up, but because I mainly worked from home. I guess us home workers are very lucky – but then again home working is a growing trend for those whose work can take advantage of new technology.
Yes there is a lot of de-humanisation involved in my chosen mode, with the lack of facial signals etc. You do end up being judged by your words and actions rather than facial expression. It’s not as bad as being on the end of a phone – but more effort is needed to communicate, unless you are wearing a very clear mask.
Biological issues are just physical (plumbing) problems waiting to be overcome – and only solutions which enhance your existence need be adopted, as the degree of totality of the enclosed lifestyle can be adjusted by the individual to suit their limits and preferences. It puts me in mind of all the “artificial” technological solutions many western people take for granted, which provide for better sanitation / hygiene / comfort / warmth. I don’t think that a woman is totally “inhuman” just because she may be wearing tampons, coil, sanitary pads, eye glasses, cycling helmet, pacemaker, implants, piercings, painted nails, wrist watch, antiperspirant, toothpaste, hair colour, makeup, roller blades, skis, ipod or mobile cell phone (although I may suspect her judgement if she tries using all these things while cycling). One of my relatives had bowel surgery resulting in them needing a permanent colostomy – but they are still human, but found a technical plumbing solution to their biological needs. Yep, I know some will argue about the fact that many of these things are not a matter of choice – but I chose the enclosed lifestyle and the plumbing issues are just the consequence, not the objective, and I chose to make the best of them. Most of us westerners who work in offices in close proximity with others would choose to pollute their bodies with volatile chemicals to hide their odor and make the best of it – just different ends of a continuum perhaps.
But I think we always expect their to be some sacrifices and a lot of compromises involved in pursuing any Platonic Ideal. The question for the individual is, does the benefits outweigh the personal cost and dedication required to be aiming for that ideal. The occasional day of being terribly cold may be a price you have to be prepared to take to be able to sail in some of the most beautiful waters. Occasionally getting to too hot, bouts of profuse perspiration and thus being water logged in my rubber skin for the rest of the day is one of the discomforts I find I am prepared to put up with.
At the moment, I am finding I have found a very good level of attainment towards my ideal at a personal cost I find I can take and am willing to afford. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than to be in my rubber skin for the majority of the time. And that is my own personal benchmark – the majority of my time in my rubber skin and my goals are to continue to engineer the rest of my life and work to support the aim of sustaining a (largely) rubbery lifestyle.
To want anything else, now seems incredible to me. As a rubber enclosed person I am comfortable, feel safe and am also more sensual. I look more like my “ideal” self in the mirror and spend much of my time feeling very much more sexually stimulated. There is much less dichotomy between sexual and non-sexual activities in my life as I carry my perfect bedroom scene around with me all the time – and this make me feel more vital, alive and yes, more human – or at least more animal. Yes, it is frequently exhausting and often quite uncomfortable to be 3 strokes away from orgasm much of the day, every day of every week, while trying to achieve non-sexual objectives – but it should be no surprise that it is “addictive” (in the loosest sense of the word).
I know many/most fetishist require more variation in their existence and even I feel the same craving sometimes as I force myself to change into my clean suit. But I discovered, almost be accident, that before long I never regret actually having got into my rubber skin, even if I strongly craved being uncovered when I was first getting dressed. This discovery was after dedicating a month to compelling myself to wearing rubber each day all day - just for an experiment to see what happened.
Over time I discovered that if I was going to want to wear rubber total enclosure for long periods frequently, then there were advantages in trying to minimise the amount of time I ever spent not in rubber (at least from the neck down if not TE).This would overcome the negative aspects of re-acclimatisation and overestimation. It also means I have an easy framework for the daily indecision on question of “should I get into rubber today, when and for how long? Am I in the mood?” – where the question becomes Q1 “Is there any specific reason I could not get into my rubber skin right now?” and Q2 “When would I need to strip and change into non rubber?”.
Once in that state there seemed to be no way back for me and I am now looking forward to a time in a few weeks when the answer will always be “no” to Q1, every single day and “not any time soon” to Q2! Until then, I must take what opportunity I can through the week and suffer the effects of withdrawal and re-acclimatisation – exhausting but still fun….
A quick note on the phrase “Platonic Ideal” Dark uses, as I see there is a great risk of readers getting the wrong impression here. I believe Dark is specifically NOT talking about some sort of Platonic love (love without carnal desires), but a philosophy of attempting to capture the essence of a pure form / concept. i.e. Perfection. The essence of a wheel is a perfect geometric circle. The essence of my perfect form may be a sleek, rubber enclosed person … bla bla… You get the picture.
I did find it interesting to realise that a person’s pursuit of the Platonic Ideal does seem to usually require dedication / hard work / compromise / sacrifice / discomfort in most endeavours and not just my own - being a totally sealed rubber enclosed person. It also seems to often involve some additional voluntary compromise to subdue the ideal in order to integrate into some social contexts – as in: a ballet dancer may decide to refrain from pirouetting in their tights during a funeral service at the risk of being thought to be showing off their Platonic Ideal package! Of course, no body could stop him from turning up in his prancing outfit – although they may try discouraging him if forewarned.
I must admit to being a little shocked by Darks comment that 2nd skin fetishist ‘…could only be tolerated in very minor doses before "laws" were enacted against it.’. Laws? My goodness, do we really live in societies that are so intolerant as to criminalise a particular mode of dress, just because of a sexual overtone or dehumanisation effect? Surely we are living in a society where we are progressing towards tolerance and that things that would have been totally unacceptable for (say) any women to wear 50 years ago (too explicit) are now the basis for all ladies summer fashion? Do you not live in the land of the free!!! Hmmm… I just looked out the window and remembered the latest rant I heard from the far right… and I am starting to think that Dark may have a point...
On another topic, the idea that my fetish ideal requires another to view my in that image does not ring true for me, I have to say. I accept it does for Dark and others – even if it is a theoretical other person. I am NOT saying that I do not want / have sex with others. I am saying that my fetish is not contingent on another’s perception or interaction, even if their participation would be welcome. Primarily, my fetish (Fetish~=fixation on an inanimate object who’s presence is necessary for sexual gratification) is my desire (love?) of the rubber second skin, which ideally should be fully enclosing MY body and/or secondarily, another person’s body. My fetish dreamscape may typically involve other(s) similarly totally enclosed to myself – but it is not contingent on it, even if their presence only facilitates an enhanced experience.
I like to sail, drive and act out my fetish with the company of another. I can do all these on my own without invalidating the essence of what I am doing. I have chosen to live with my partner – but this unrelated to my fetish, which was at least as strong, vibrant and important to me when single and not dating.
For a while I thought I may be alone in this attitude, but as you have probably guessed, have found others via the internet with even more polarized positions than myself. A local fetishist comes to mind, who it seems has absolutely no sexual desires or even preferences for other people – but loves his fetish and does not mind being social with others. To be honest – I am still trying to get my head round this mind set, but accept that it is very real to them and very revealing of my own…
BTW – Work place total enclosure may not be possible for everyone – but it is a reality for me for at least some of the time. As some will recall from last year, up till the end of November, you could have counted the number of days I worked in anything other than “near-TE” on your fingers (Near TE as I chose to remove my mask for some phone conferences). This was obviously not because I braved the work place fully suited up, but because I mainly worked from home. I guess us home workers are very lucky – but then again home working is a growing trend for those whose work can take advantage of new technology.
Yes there is a lot of de-humanisation involved in my chosen mode, with the lack of facial signals etc. You do end up being judged by your words and actions rather than facial expression. It’s not as bad as being on the end of a phone – but more effort is needed to communicate, unless you are wearing a very clear mask.
Biological issues are just physical (plumbing) problems waiting to be overcome – and only solutions which enhance your existence need be adopted, as the degree of totality of the enclosed lifestyle can be adjusted by the individual to suit their limits and preferences. It puts me in mind of all the “artificial” technological solutions many western people take for granted, which provide for better sanitation / hygiene / comfort / warmth. I don’t think that a woman is totally “inhuman” just because she may be wearing tampons, coil, sanitary pads, eye glasses, cycling helmet, pacemaker, implants, piercings, painted nails, wrist watch, antiperspirant, toothpaste, hair colour, makeup, roller blades, skis, ipod or mobile cell phone (although I may suspect her judgement if she tries using all these things while cycling). One of my relatives had bowel surgery resulting in them needing a permanent colostomy – but they are still human, but found a technical plumbing solution to their biological needs. Yep, I know some will argue about the fact that many of these things are not a matter of choice – but I chose the enclosed lifestyle and the plumbing issues are just the consequence, not the objective, and I chose to make the best of them. Most of us westerners who work in offices in close proximity with others would choose to pollute their bodies with volatile chemicals to hide their odor and make the best of it – just different ends of a continuum perhaps.
But I think we always expect their to be some sacrifices and a lot of compromises involved in pursuing any Platonic Ideal. The question for the individual is, does the benefits outweigh the personal cost and dedication required to be aiming for that ideal. The occasional day of being terribly cold may be a price you have to be prepared to take to be able to sail in some of the most beautiful waters. Occasionally getting to too hot, bouts of profuse perspiration and thus being water logged in my rubber skin for the rest of the day is one of the discomforts I find I am prepared to put up with.
At the moment, I am finding I have found a very good level of attainment towards my ideal at a personal cost I find I can take and am willing to afford. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than to be in my rubber skin for the majority of the time. And that is my own personal benchmark – the majority of my time in my rubber skin and my goals are to continue to engineer the rest of my life and work to support the aim of sustaining a (largely) rubbery lifestyle.
To want anything else, now seems incredible to me. As a rubber enclosed person I am comfortable, feel safe and am also more sensual. I look more like my “ideal” self in the mirror and spend much of my time feeling very much more sexually stimulated. There is much less dichotomy between sexual and non-sexual activities in my life as I carry my perfect bedroom scene around with me all the time – and this make me feel more vital, alive and yes, more human – or at least more animal. Yes, it is frequently exhausting and often quite uncomfortable to be 3 strokes away from orgasm much of the day, every day of every week, while trying to achieve non-sexual objectives – but it should be no surprise that it is “addictive” (in the loosest sense of the word).
I know many/most fetishist require more variation in their existence and even I feel the same craving sometimes as I force myself to change into my clean suit. But I discovered, almost be accident, that before long I never regret actually having got into my rubber skin, even if I strongly craved being uncovered when I was first getting dressed. This discovery was after dedicating a month to compelling myself to wearing rubber each day all day - just for an experiment to see what happened.
Over time I discovered that if I was going to want to wear rubber total enclosure for long periods frequently, then there were advantages in trying to minimise the amount of time I ever spent not in rubber (at least from the neck down if not TE).This would overcome the negative aspects of re-acclimatisation and overestimation. It also means I have an easy framework for the daily indecision on question of “should I get into rubber today, when and for how long? Am I in the mood?” – where the question becomes Q1 “Is there any specific reason I could not get into my rubber skin right now?” and Q2 “When would I need to strip and change into non rubber?”.
Once in that state there seemed to be no way back for me and I am now looking forward to a time in a few weeks when the answer will always be “no” to Q1, every single day and “not any time soon” to Q2! Until then, I must take what opportunity I can through the week and suffer the effects of withdrawal and re-acclimatisation – exhausting but still fun….
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Stop going on about 24/7!?!?! :o)
Thanks for the comments from Dark and 13 to my last entry on ‘Is “totally sealed rubber object” a gender’. As you probably guessed, it was not an entirely cogent point, but a hope for fresh debate. Maybe I was looking to clarify my fetish rather than just come up with a new explanation for my actions. It certainly got some people thinking – which is the fun thing about it for me. I am still amazed (and very pleased) that people read my blog given how infrequently I have been updating it! Here are some more questions and feedback for you:
Does the rubber disable us from interacting with society – or does society handicap rubber TE fetishist from interacting with it?
Dependency on a security blanket – Is wonder if there is a coloration between children who reply on a security blanket to those who grow into adulthood with a rubber fetish? Also, is their a relationship between those children who experience involuntary withdrawal of their security blanket by their parents/guardians and those who become hooked on rubber fetish?
Addiction – I think that is certainly true that many of us use rubber as a crutch and become very dependant on regular top up doses (in my case very regular daily doses). On the other hand, addiction is usually taken (I think) as a state were not only are you psychologically dependent but that there is a physiologically dependency resulting in a negative physical reaction on withdrawing the substance (e.g. cold turkey). Now I have noticed that once you have become fully adjusted to daily and prolonged enclosure in latex over several months, there are some physical reactions when you go cold turkey – but to be honest the worst of these are non-serious skin issues for the first week or so. So – is rubber TE an actual addiction or a dependency? Maybe I am splitting hairs – given people use the word addiction so loosely – like “I am addicted to tobacco” which I (as a ill informed non-smoker) would think would be better described as a dependency. Mind you, it’s not that easy to give up smoking, so maybe we underestimate dependency (rubber TE included) at our peril!
As for the question of the usual desire for new experiences, rather than ice cream 24/7, I think this is what separates my particular fetish from other experiences and makes me think of the question of self image. Yes, I know MOST rubberists get into their latex suits for some sort of fix – either a regular quick fix or an occasional big session and I cannot see anything wrong with that. However, for me the quick fix may be a factor to deal with, but not the real full story. For me the sleek rubber TE look is my true inner self – and/or self image or “natural” state. I specifically want to be mainly in that rubber state as my default mode and know it will make me feel at ease. Although am perfectly willing to dress up in weird itchy, drafty, uncomfortable outfits for specific social or other functions (like climbing gear, sailing gear, business suit…), these are just costumes that portray me in somebody else’s idealised form.
Isn’t all this rubber TE just all related to sex – well yes, but don’t many women only feel comfortable with their appearances when fully made up and wearing sexy clothes? It doesn’t stop it being their own self image of their gender does it? And here we go back dangerously close to the original gender point I think…
Dark thinks that they would not want to be in rubber (or any other experience) 24/7 as it would become “a prison not a place of comfort”.
Firstly, I have come to think that we need to decouple lifestyle rubber TE and the whole “24/7” phrase – which I find has become a block to our understanding and personally irritating. OK, yes some of us only fantasies about the 24/7/365 thing, but that does not stop us aspiring or living out OUR versions of a lifestyle rubber TE fetish. Me living in rubber 23/7, 20/7, 15/7 hours – what does it matter? The fact that this is my “normal” state, affirming my self image, makes me different from other rubber fetishists and the horrible tag “lifestyle” is the only one I have come across that comes close to explaining it so far. [WARNING – off topic example coming up] Ellen McCarther sailing the south Atlantic or me sailing the North Channel at night – we both feel we are having a great sailor adventure. I think if you put numbers against a personal adventure, you miss the point of how the person feels about their experience and themselves. If we keep going on about the South Atlantic or 24/7/365 in rubber as the norm is just going to make some of us feel inadequate! :o)
Secondly, I am very happy in my prison – particularly given I have the proverbial key and can get out when I need to. [I say proverbial key as, when I think about it, I do often chose to lock myself in my rubber skin and give the key to someone else!!!]. What I would be less happy about is being locked out of my latex prison – as it is my rightful home, but I guess that I would survive it – just not necessarily like it. I know others will feel differently – and that’s fine. I so see their point of view and know I may never be able to explain why my rubber fetishist is not just like theirs. Of course, it does help to know they are all trying very hard to see my point of view too.
Does the rubber disable us from interacting with society – or does society handicap rubber TE fetishist from interacting with it?
Dependency on a security blanket – Is wonder if there is a coloration between children who reply on a security blanket to those who grow into adulthood with a rubber fetish? Also, is their a relationship between those children who experience involuntary withdrawal of their security blanket by their parents/guardians and those who become hooked on rubber fetish?
Addiction – I think that is certainly true that many of us use rubber as a crutch and become very dependant on regular top up doses (in my case very regular daily doses). On the other hand, addiction is usually taken (I think) as a state were not only are you psychologically dependent but that there is a physiologically dependency resulting in a negative physical reaction on withdrawing the substance (e.g. cold turkey). Now I have noticed that once you have become fully adjusted to daily and prolonged enclosure in latex over several months, there are some physical reactions when you go cold turkey – but to be honest the worst of these are non-serious skin issues for the first week or so. So – is rubber TE an actual addiction or a dependency? Maybe I am splitting hairs – given people use the word addiction so loosely – like “I am addicted to tobacco” which I (as a ill informed non-smoker) would think would be better described as a dependency. Mind you, it’s not that easy to give up smoking, so maybe we underestimate dependency (rubber TE included) at our peril!
As for the question of the usual desire for new experiences, rather than ice cream 24/7, I think this is what separates my particular fetish from other experiences and makes me think of the question of self image. Yes, I know MOST rubberists get into their latex suits for some sort of fix – either a regular quick fix or an occasional big session and I cannot see anything wrong with that. However, for me the quick fix may be a factor to deal with, but not the real full story. For me the sleek rubber TE look is my true inner self – and/or self image or “natural” state. I specifically want to be mainly in that rubber state as my default mode and know it will make me feel at ease. Although am perfectly willing to dress up in weird itchy, drafty, uncomfortable outfits for specific social or other functions (like climbing gear, sailing gear, business suit…), these are just costumes that portray me in somebody else’s idealised form.
Isn’t all this rubber TE just all related to sex – well yes, but don’t many women only feel comfortable with their appearances when fully made up and wearing sexy clothes? It doesn’t stop it being their own self image of their gender does it? And here we go back dangerously close to the original gender point I think…
Dark thinks that they would not want to be in rubber (or any other experience) 24/7 as it would become “a prison not a place of comfort”.
Firstly, I have come to think that we need to decouple lifestyle rubber TE and the whole “24/7” phrase – which I find has become a block to our understanding and personally irritating. OK, yes some of us only fantasies about the 24/7/365 thing, but that does not stop us aspiring or living out OUR versions of a lifestyle rubber TE fetish. Me living in rubber 23/7, 20/7, 15/7 hours – what does it matter? The fact that this is my “normal” state, affirming my self image, makes me different from other rubber fetishists and the horrible tag “lifestyle” is the only one I have come across that comes close to explaining it so far. [WARNING – off topic example coming up] Ellen McCarther sailing the south Atlantic or me sailing the North Channel at night – we both feel we are having a great sailor adventure. I think if you put numbers against a personal adventure, you miss the point of how the person feels about their experience and themselves. If we keep going on about the South Atlantic or 24/7/365 in rubber as the norm is just going to make some of us feel inadequate! :o)
Secondly, I am very happy in my prison – particularly given I have the proverbial key and can get out when I need to. [I say proverbial key as, when I think about it, I do often chose to lock myself in my rubber skin and give the key to someone else!!!]. What I would be less happy about is being locked out of my latex prison – as it is my rightful home, but I guess that I would survive it – just not necessarily like it. I know others will feel differently – and that’s fine. I so see their point of view and know I may never be able to explain why my rubber fetishist is not just like theirs. Of course, it does help to know they are all trying very hard to see my point of view too.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Is “totally sealed rubber object” a gender
Sorry to anyone who has been watching this blog for new entries and been disappointed this year. I have had a very bad time since Feb and have often found myself away from internet access or rubber – sometimes both at the same time – yikes!
I am hoping that normal service will start to be resuming over the next 8 weeks, but in the meantime, let me pose the following question…
Is “totally sealed rubber object” my true gender, or possibly my sexual orientation or non of the above? I have given this a lot of thought while talking it through with friends and see if you can follow my thought patterns.
OK – in very simplistic terms: I am told that Sex is a biological thing, orientation is to do with who we find ourselves sexually drawn to and how we carry on, while gender is how we perceive our true character related to sexuality. So for example, someone could be born with male biology but could believe that their true self is feminine and may even take drugs or undertake surgical procedures to make their body comply with this self image. This is not at all directly related to sexual orientation – otherwise most guy men would be on hormones and having surgery – which is obviously ridiculous.
I, on the other hand am born genetically male, but my feeling of identity seems to be best served by the image of being totally hermetically sealed in rubber. Biologically a man, but my whole being is screaming out to be a sleek rubber, 100% totally sealed fetish object – it’s just the “real me” – or at least, who I aspire to be. When I achieve this state of total enclosure, the moment that gas mask (or whatever) is finally on, I suddenly feel calm and at peace with myself. I feel more confident, less indecisive and “more natural” (a contradiction I know). When out of rubber for any period of time “I am not myself” and seem to lose my identity / individuality or sense of “me”.
Could be this is a pathological mental disease – but surely it could only be pathological if it stopped me achieving my aims or functioning in society. In a way it does limit me – but party I am disabled by society as they would not accept me in the state closest my self image. On the other hand, I am still able to dress the way society want when I absolutely need to, so it’s not like I am unable to adapt. But fundamentally, time spent in mundane clothes is a bit like time being forced to wear a prison (jail) uniform – something to be endured and not exactly what I would chose.
So what do you think? Lifestyle “totally sealed rubber object” as a third gender? Or am I just talking crap?
I am hoping that normal service will start to be resuming over the next 8 weeks, but in the meantime, let me pose the following question…
Is “totally sealed rubber object” my true gender, or possibly my sexual orientation or non of the above? I have given this a lot of thought while talking it through with friends and see if you can follow my thought patterns.
OK – in very simplistic terms: I am told that Sex is a biological thing, orientation is to do with who we find ourselves sexually drawn to and how we carry on, while gender is how we perceive our true character related to sexuality. So for example, someone could be born with male biology but could believe that their true self is feminine and may even take drugs or undertake surgical procedures to make their body comply with this self image. This is not at all directly related to sexual orientation – otherwise most guy men would be on hormones and having surgery – which is obviously ridiculous.
I, on the other hand am born genetically male, but my feeling of identity seems to be best served by the image of being totally hermetically sealed in rubber. Biologically a man, but my whole being is screaming out to be a sleek rubber, 100% totally sealed fetish object – it’s just the “real me” – or at least, who I aspire to be. When I achieve this state of total enclosure, the moment that gas mask (or whatever) is finally on, I suddenly feel calm and at peace with myself. I feel more confident, less indecisive and “more natural” (a contradiction I know). When out of rubber for any period of time “I am not myself” and seem to lose my identity / individuality or sense of “me”.
Could be this is a pathological mental disease – but surely it could only be pathological if it stopped me achieving my aims or functioning in society. In a way it does limit me – but party I am disabled by society as they would not accept me in the state closest my self image. On the other hand, I am still able to dress the way society want when I absolutely need to, so it’s not like I am unable to adapt. But fundamentally, time spent in mundane clothes is a bit like time being forced to wear a prison (jail) uniform – something to be endured and not exactly what I would chose.
So what do you think? Lifestyle “totally sealed rubber object” as a third gender? Or am I just talking crap?
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
It’s been a while since I posted so it’s high time I published an update…
I have been “on the road” much of the time over the last few months, rather than my more usual state of being safely ensconced in rubber while working in my home office every day. I spent over 2 months in the US and now I am travelling in the UK. This is probably a temporary state of affairs so have been concentrating on the positive side of things. True, I have had to spend abnormally long periods sans-rubber, but this has not meant a non-fetish lifestyle. The time I have has, I have tended to spend in more extreme rubber total enclosure than normal, as I have had not had to consider the practicalities of being able to work while in rubber.
I managed to spend virtually every evening and most weekends in rubber total enclosure. The fact I am so far away from home and my usual commitments has meant I have been free to indulge in more extra long sessions than usual, frequently finding the time to go 48 contiguous hours plus in total enclosure and occasionally 60+ hours with some short breaks. And then there is the fun I have has with long sessions of pretty edgy breath control…
But still, I have missed my home office and the routine of spending every day working in rubber. Making new rubber fetish friends both online and IRL has certainly helped the home sickness. Just hanging out with other people, while wearing rubber, has really helped me stay cheerful. I would definitely recommend it to all rubber fetish travellers!
One thing of note while travelling is the risk of “wardrobe malfunction”. I only had one main skin suit with me as I travelled in the US as my second lightweight suits zip failed just before travelling. Of course, as I was down to one suit, it was almost inevitable that I would have another malfunction. This time a seam in the seat of my remaining suit started to wear dangerously thin after the first month. Luckily I spotted it early and managed to patch it – although the suit was clearly getting to the end of it’s life. Remember I normally wear rubber every day, so I go through suits a bit quicker than average and I budget on a suit lasting about 400 sessions max. This suit was well past that and probably nearing 500 sessions.
As I was working in a densely populated area of Pennsylvania (USA) and not too far from New York (USA), I felt confident I would be able to get a replacement before long – but how wrong I was. Here is a warning for all European and UK travellers – the US fetish shops are a near desert for those into heavy rubber and total enclosure. Admittedly I only tried 3 shops but NONE of them had a suit with attached feet, gloves and/or hoods! That includes the famous NY (USA) branch of Demask! I admit that not everyone goes for suits with gloves/feet/hoods – but I didn’t see one even in the wrong size never mind my size. The shops seem to have only one rail of suits. Maybe this is a symptom of the popularity of online shopping, but I am old fashioned enough to want to try on my clothes before buying…
I hope the friends who showed me round the shops don’t take offence, as it was very kind of them and I really enjoyed looking round, even if I couldn’t find anything to buy.
Back in the UK, I popped into Cocoon’s shop in Birmingham yesterday and although they did not have exactly what I was looking for on the racks (plural), a different type of suit caught my eye and it just had to come home with me. Which is kind of the point of shops I guess.
I have been “on the road” much of the time over the last few months, rather than my more usual state of being safely ensconced in rubber while working in my home office every day. I spent over 2 months in the US and now I am travelling in the UK. This is probably a temporary state of affairs so have been concentrating on the positive side of things. True, I have had to spend abnormally long periods sans-rubber, but this has not meant a non-fetish lifestyle. The time I have has, I have tended to spend in more extreme rubber total enclosure than normal, as I have had not had to consider the practicalities of being able to work while in rubber.
I managed to spend virtually every evening and most weekends in rubber total enclosure. The fact I am so far away from home and my usual commitments has meant I have been free to indulge in more extra long sessions than usual, frequently finding the time to go 48 contiguous hours plus in total enclosure and occasionally 60+ hours with some short breaks. And then there is the fun I have has with long sessions of pretty edgy breath control…
But still, I have missed my home office and the routine of spending every day working in rubber. Making new rubber fetish friends both online and IRL has certainly helped the home sickness. Just hanging out with other people, while wearing rubber, has really helped me stay cheerful. I would definitely recommend it to all rubber fetish travellers!
One thing of note while travelling is the risk of “wardrobe malfunction”. I only had one main skin suit with me as I travelled in the US as my second lightweight suits zip failed just before travelling. Of course, as I was down to one suit, it was almost inevitable that I would have another malfunction. This time a seam in the seat of my remaining suit started to wear dangerously thin after the first month. Luckily I spotted it early and managed to patch it – although the suit was clearly getting to the end of it’s life. Remember I normally wear rubber every day, so I go through suits a bit quicker than average and I budget on a suit lasting about 400 sessions max. This suit was well past that and probably nearing 500 sessions.
As I was working in a densely populated area of Pennsylvania (USA) and not too far from New York (USA), I felt confident I would be able to get a replacement before long – but how wrong I was. Here is a warning for all European and UK travellers – the US fetish shops are a near desert for those into heavy rubber and total enclosure. Admittedly I only tried 3 shops but NONE of them had a suit with attached feet, gloves and/or hoods! That includes the famous NY (USA) branch of Demask! I admit that not everyone goes for suits with gloves/feet/hoods – but I didn’t see one even in the wrong size never mind my size. The shops seem to have only one rail of suits. Maybe this is a symptom of the popularity of online shopping, but I am old fashioned enough to want to try on my clothes before buying…
I hope the friends who showed me round the shops don’t take offence, as it was very kind of them and I really enjoyed looking round, even if I couldn’t find anything to buy.
Back in the UK, I popped into Cocoon’s shop in Birmingham yesterday and although they did not have exactly what I was looking for on the racks (plural), a different type of suit caught my eye and it just had to come home with me. Which is kind of the point of shops I guess.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Welcome to my 2006
Welcome to my 2006, where I hope to carry on wearing rubber as my “default material” and spending longer periods totally enclosed, with either air filtered or re-cycled. Once my busy holidays were over, I got off to a good start spending all my free time & sleep time totally encased, often complete with breath play hoods & masks.
I chose not to travel the Atlantic in rubber partly as security is getting to the point of wanting u to remove items of clothing – such as shoes, coats, gloves & anything obscuring the eyes so far – but who know what tomorrow? Rubber would only complicate any such undressing and cause confusion or embarrassment. Also I worry about temperature control when you are not in charge of your environment - traveling for 15 hours on all sorts of public transport gives a lot of opportunities to dangerously overheat with no easy “bail out” option – not something I would look forward to. Call me a fair-weather rubberists if you like, but travel like that is going to be challenging enough as it is in vanilla!
To “In Latex Always” and all those who have contacted me directly over the holiday season with notes of encouragement… Thank you! Nice to know there are people who read at least some of this stuff! Had a particularly nice response to those who live in the area of the US where I am currently traveling and I only hope I manage to get back to you all.
I thank Dark for his comments and questions and have included some responses here as I think they may have general interest.
I think your assertion of me ‘becoming "normalized" to rubber encasement… assume no longer a "distraction" in the sense that you are able to do almost anything you could and would do without encasement... for example restful sleep…’ might be slightly overstating how much I have achieved over the last few months. I know where you are coming from, but to be truly accurate, for me rubber encasement can often still be a distraction (often a pleasant distraction). I can do many things in rubber – but this has involved some personal compromises / sacrifices and I am only at the beginning of my road to being able to sleep totally encased in complete comfort every night of the week (I do wear rubber TE every night at the moment – just can’t say it always results in perfectly comfortable sleep!).
Now on to your trickier comments re the “mission”… you asked do I ‘want rubber enclosure to become so normal …that it is virtually "invisible" to you body and mind.’. Here I am going to admit to a certain amount of paradox – but basically the answer is no.
To start with, the sensation and physical experience of my being totally encased in rubber is only part of my fetish – albeit it has become an important component. The knowledge that I am as totally hermetically sealed as I can comfortably be (for prolonged periods) is an objective / stimulation / satisfaction in itself. I don’t know if there is a word for my level of fixation / fetish / obsession with being totally sealed – but if there is I have got the bug! Maybe it’s just a Total Enclosure fetish. The fact that because I use rubber as my way to achieve TE brings with it the (massive) additional stimulation, does not detract from my under lying fetish.
To answer your main point, no, I do not want the rubber enclosure to become “invisible”. This is not my specific aim. My acclimatization and adjustment over the last few months has only had the objective of making rubber more tolerable and even comfortable to wear for longer and longer periods. I can see the logic in your thought processes and cannot deny that sometimes I do totally forget that I am totally enclosed, but this is not the aim and (luckily) I have found it difficult to ignore the strong physical effects of total rubber encasement for more than a brief period. And if I do forget I am wearing it for a while, I have found it very easy to become re-aware of (re-sensitized to) my encased predicament – resulting in a sort of on demand stimulation sensation.
Just as a slight aside to illustrate – I had been surfing my favorite sites recently and was watching a somewhat intense / hot scene on the 02extreme site. Lana was in a rubber skin suit and being bagged. She had been in there for what seemed like forever and was getting very desperate and I rapidly got a strong desire to be just as encased as Lana, totally sealed with no directed contact with the outside air. Then I suddenly realized my situation – I had been totally encased in my rubber skin suite for over a day, complete with a tight fitting gas mask with filter. Not even one inch of me had been uncovered for hours. This realization was just delicious (for want of a better word) – my total enclosure HAD become totally “invisible” to me for some minutes (and not very noticeable for hours) – but as soon as it became “visible” again – my total enclosure became a very dominant sensation – I would say as strong a sensation as when I had started out 20 odd hours beforehand. I cann’t say this was planned – but was happy to be there. I also found the whole event amusing too – but that may just be my strange sense of humor.
So yes, on the occasions when the rubber becomes “invisible” to me (usually when static and concentrating on something) I have lost out on much of the “appeal” (the stimulation sensation) during that period, but as soon as I remember (which is usually every time I move!) I am still rewarded by stimulation of my TE fetish plus obvious rubber sensations. And for me this has been one of the most endearing features of latex rubber – it is in it’s nature to stretch, flex and bend to be comfortable for much of the time – and yet regularly it strongly re-asserts it’s cocooning presence. Often all it takes is to tense up a muscle for the rubber skin to shift in the most pleasant way...
Then there is the flip side of wearing rubber for long periods – the sacrifices to comfort and lifestyles etc. This all requires a dedication and submission to the rubber that I think is all part of the fetish. If fetish can be paraphrased as the love of inanimate object, then my love of rubber lifestyle includes many of the usual acts of sacrifice, devotion and submission that are present in the love of a sub to their master/mistress. The fact that some of these inconveniences must be endured and cannot be totally acclimatized to seems to have the benefit of keeping the experience stimulating.
I too enjoy the contrasts of which Dark speaks and would appreciate them – but to attain the rewards I perceive I get from dedication to long term enclosure, I must forfeit the contrast attained from wearing vanilla most of the time and rubber only as I the desire takes me [other than during my current January work assignment!].
Why should Dark change anything, if he gets what he wants out of his current rubber habits? Well my aim is not to “convert” people to long term rubber TE lifestylists. I DO want to encourage anyone who has long dreamt of living in rubber much/all the time to give it a go and actually try to live the dream. I would encourage them to try to extend their personal range just a little and join in the dialogue about this lifestyle. The first step is to stay enclosed beyond the time it takes to satisfactorily complete the obvious sex scenes - or even better, sometimes wear rubber without the classic cycle of sex and/or masturbation (easier said than done I know). I would encourage them be stating that this initial hurdle is one of the more difficult challenges on the road to a fetish lifestyle – after that it only gets better and better!
For those who are turned on be the concept of living in latex, the rewards do exist – simply decoupling the rubber stimulation from the classic climax leads to a whole different level of experience.
For those who have never seen any attraction of being totally sealed for longer than strictly “necessary” – I would not presume to know how to advise them on if would be worth their investment in time and effort to try the experience. However - if you already have a work/lifestyle that would allow you to wear rubber every day – what have to lose by trying? If you found you lost the turn on of rubber through familiarity (which I doubt), then couldn’t you just take a long break from it and revert back to your original practice? Anyway it up to you.
As to the “two ways” either the “non-erotic” or living “on the edge” of sexual tension – then I chose the later. The dilemma is when you find yourself too close to that edge for very long periods, out of control and struggling to function in anything other than a sexual way (agony!). My ideal would be to be constantly in a mildly stimulated / sensual state 24/7, but only “highly” stimulated or on the edge of climax at a time of my choosing (like a default state that kicks in when I am not trying to concentrate on work or achieving some non-sexual goal). I am starting to think I would prefer to not routinely be “over-stimulated” to the point of loss of control - even though I can make it last for very long periods. I am becoming interested in decoupling the whole rubber / sensual / erotic / sexual / climax experiences (more posts on this in the future).
Thanks to Blackie for his comments – both of them. Think the blog takes a long time to refresh sometimes. I think I already covered a lot in my reply to Dark but just like to say it is interesting to hear how you are more comfortable with your fetish. I know I still have hang ups about being in public – and this limits my personal objective. This is something I will try to address in the coming year(s), as I have found your experiences very encouraging.
I chose not to travel the Atlantic in rubber partly as security is getting to the point of wanting u to remove items of clothing – such as shoes, coats, gloves & anything obscuring the eyes so far – but who know what tomorrow? Rubber would only complicate any such undressing and cause confusion or embarrassment. Also I worry about temperature control when you are not in charge of your environment - traveling for 15 hours on all sorts of public transport gives a lot of opportunities to dangerously overheat with no easy “bail out” option – not something I would look forward to. Call me a fair-weather rubberists if you like, but travel like that is going to be challenging enough as it is in vanilla!
To “In Latex Always” and all those who have contacted me directly over the holiday season with notes of encouragement… Thank you! Nice to know there are people who read at least some of this stuff! Had a particularly nice response to those who live in the area of the US where I am currently traveling and I only hope I manage to get back to you all.
I thank Dark for his comments and questions and have included some responses here as I think they may have general interest.
I think your assertion of me ‘becoming "normalized" to rubber encasement… assume no longer a "distraction" in the sense that you are able to do almost anything you could and would do without encasement... for example restful sleep…’ might be slightly overstating how much I have achieved over the last few months. I know where you are coming from, but to be truly accurate, for me rubber encasement can often still be a distraction (often a pleasant distraction). I can do many things in rubber – but this has involved some personal compromises / sacrifices and I am only at the beginning of my road to being able to sleep totally encased in complete comfort every night of the week (I do wear rubber TE every night at the moment – just can’t say it always results in perfectly comfortable sleep!).
Now on to your trickier comments re the “mission”… you asked do I ‘want rubber enclosure to become so normal …that it is virtually "invisible" to you body and mind.’. Here I am going to admit to a certain amount of paradox – but basically the answer is no.
To start with, the sensation and physical experience of my being totally encased in rubber is only part of my fetish – albeit it has become an important component. The knowledge that I am as totally hermetically sealed as I can comfortably be (for prolonged periods) is an objective / stimulation / satisfaction in itself. I don’t know if there is a word for my level of fixation / fetish / obsession with being totally sealed – but if there is I have got the bug! Maybe it’s just a Total Enclosure fetish. The fact that because I use rubber as my way to achieve TE brings with it the (massive) additional stimulation, does not detract from my under lying fetish.
To answer your main point, no, I do not want the rubber enclosure to become “invisible”. This is not my specific aim. My acclimatization and adjustment over the last few months has only had the objective of making rubber more tolerable and even comfortable to wear for longer and longer periods. I can see the logic in your thought processes and cannot deny that sometimes I do totally forget that I am totally enclosed, but this is not the aim and (luckily) I have found it difficult to ignore the strong physical effects of total rubber encasement for more than a brief period. And if I do forget I am wearing it for a while, I have found it very easy to become re-aware of (re-sensitized to) my encased predicament – resulting in a sort of on demand stimulation sensation.
Just as a slight aside to illustrate – I had been surfing my favorite sites recently and was watching a somewhat intense / hot scene on the 02extreme site. Lana was in a rubber skin suit and being bagged. She had been in there for what seemed like forever and was getting very desperate and I rapidly got a strong desire to be just as encased as Lana, totally sealed with no directed contact with the outside air. Then I suddenly realized my situation – I had been totally encased in my rubber skin suite for over a day, complete with a tight fitting gas mask with filter. Not even one inch of me had been uncovered for hours. This realization was just delicious (for want of a better word) – my total enclosure HAD become totally “invisible” to me for some minutes (and not very noticeable for hours) – but as soon as it became “visible” again – my total enclosure became a very dominant sensation – I would say as strong a sensation as when I had started out 20 odd hours beforehand. I cann’t say this was planned – but was happy to be there. I also found the whole event amusing too – but that may just be my strange sense of humor.
So yes, on the occasions when the rubber becomes “invisible” to me (usually when static and concentrating on something) I have lost out on much of the “appeal” (the stimulation sensation) during that period, but as soon as I remember (which is usually every time I move!) I am still rewarded by stimulation of my TE fetish plus obvious rubber sensations. And for me this has been one of the most endearing features of latex rubber – it is in it’s nature to stretch, flex and bend to be comfortable for much of the time – and yet regularly it strongly re-asserts it’s cocooning presence. Often all it takes is to tense up a muscle for the rubber skin to shift in the most pleasant way...
Then there is the flip side of wearing rubber for long periods – the sacrifices to comfort and lifestyles etc. This all requires a dedication and submission to the rubber that I think is all part of the fetish. If fetish can be paraphrased as the love of inanimate object, then my love of rubber lifestyle includes many of the usual acts of sacrifice, devotion and submission that are present in the love of a sub to their master/mistress. The fact that some of these inconveniences must be endured and cannot be totally acclimatized to seems to have the benefit of keeping the experience stimulating.
I too enjoy the contrasts of which Dark speaks and would appreciate them – but to attain the rewards I perceive I get from dedication to long term enclosure, I must forfeit the contrast attained from wearing vanilla most of the time and rubber only as I the desire takes me [other than during my current January work assignment!].
Why should Dark change anything, if he gets what he wants out of his current rubber habits? Well my aim is not to “convert” people to long term rubber TE lifestylists. I DO want to encourage anyone who has long dreamt of living in rubber much/all the time to give it a go and actually try to live the dream. I would encourage them to try to extend their personal range just a little and join in the dialogue about this lifestyle. The first step is to stay enclosed beyond the time it takes to satisfactorily complete the obvious sex scenes - or even better, sometimes wear rubber without the classic cycle of sex and/or masturbation (easier said than done I know). I would encourage them be stating that this initial hurdle is one of the more difficult challenges on the road to a fetish lifestyle – after that it only gets better and better!
For those who are turned on be the concept of living in latex, the rewards do exist – simply decoupling the rubber stimulation from the classic climax leads to a whole different level of experience.
For those who have never seen any attraction of being totally sealed for longer than strictly “necessary” – I would not presume to know how to advise them on if would be worth their investment in time and effort to try the experience. However - if you already have a work/lifestyle that would allow you to wear rubber every day – what have to lose by trying? If you found you lost the turn on of rubber through familiarity (which I doubt), then couldn’t you just take a long break from it and revert back to your original practice? Anyway it up to you.
As to the “two ways” either the “non-erotic” or living “on the edge” of sexual tension – then I chose the later. The dilemma is when you find yourself too close to that edge for very long periods, out of control and struggling to function in anything other than a sexual way (agony!). My ideal would be to be constantly in a mildly stimulated / sensual state 24/7, but only “highly” stimulated or on the edge of climax at a time of my choosing (like a default state that kicks in when I am not trying to concentrate on work or achieving some non-sexual goal). I am starting to think I would prefer to not routinely be “over-stimulated” to the point of loss of control - even though I can make it last for very long periods. I am becoming interested in decoupling the whole rubber / sensual / erotic / sexual / climax experiences (more posts on this in the future).
Thanks to Blackie for his comments – both of them. Think the blog takes a long time to refresh sometimes. I think I already covered a lot in my reply to Dark but just like to say it is interesting to hear how you are more comfortable with your fetish. I know I still have hang ups about being in public – and this limits my personal objective. This is something I will try to address in the coming year(s), as I have found your experiences very encouraging.
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