Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday, July 21, 2006 – Lifestyle Support System

Things have become pretty interactive here recently, and I am very happy to go with this trend. Also, the temperature has been rising here in the UK, which is less good for me. Luckily, it dropped a lot over night and is just less than 25C now, which seems to be riht on the upper limit of what I can comfortably manage for a day in rubber total enclosure.

Thanks Dark for the link to This site is full of interesting stuff. I have to admit to being just a little squeamish about putting hard objects in my urethra – although I can’t deny the possibilities of the Thru-Hole Penis Plug are really significant (as well as “The Screw” that is in the New Products section).

I wonder if it is really possible to wear such a thing for regularly long periods without it falling out or becoming uncomfortable. Also, from the pictures, there is no obvious way to plumb up the plug with a soft rubber tube. Well I decided the only way to find out was to order one. To speed things up, I found a UK supplier at - who are apparently “proud to be a woman owned organisation specialising in Male Chastity and the Sensual Feminine Domination of men…”. I will report back on how this goes.

Magnum… your right, I am very much captive here in many senses. I absolutely love the idea of being tethered to a sort of “Lifestyle Support System” (this gets around the whole danger of my mask being flooded by neat chemicals if at excessive angles). I think the Amyl Nitrate pump could just be the start, but concentrating on this aspect, I prefer your idea of a tube that delivers my maintenance vapours into the air mix I am breathing in my mask. That would be more consistent, controllable and would require no special action on my part to be on the preset dose. Of course it does mean I would have no way of avoiding breathing my chosen blend of chemical air, short of holding my breath! The pump would be conditioning my air at some distance and I could even be in a different room.

…This ideas is so hot I am having difficulty keeping in control today…

Of course the Lifestyle Support System could include other functions as well, from pumping away waste to supplying sustenance, temperature control, electrical stimulation, sound I hear and even the mix of recycled air I breathe. Eventually I could add the home automation systems that Magnum mentions, to provide a pre-programmed daily cycle of exquisite experiences. I think it was the Le Corbusier that said “A house was a machine for living” in 1923 – obviously a long way ahead of his time and I think we owe it to him to prove that it is a machine for a lifestyle too.

Imagine the possibilities of living the life of being computer controlled rubber unit. Once locked in you would be committed to seeing your program though. Mmmm…

If someone were to help build such a Lifestyle Support System you might just have to let them take control of your personal parameters for a few minutes, if they promised to be careful not to brake u… Just think of the internet possibilities…

I thought it was going to be an easier day today, but all this has got me very overheated and it’s only mid afternoon. Think I am going to be very uncomfortable by this evening so hope I remember why as maybe this will help. Wish I had that control system right now to help me through the rest of the long day I see stretching out before me…

I will have to distract myself by concentrating on the details – so Magnum, feel free to bore us with technical details. The programming should be easy but looking for inventive ways of using off the shelf items to achieve the physical mechanics. Let go step by step and start of with the simple chemical air conditioning, the pump & chemicals are easy, but where is an easy place to get the thin bore metal pipes from – narrow enough to go through the screw on lid?

As for your questions on how much time I spend on poppers and suffocation during a week, well I never logged it. To be honest, it is a little too hot for suffocation (respiration is one of the main ways the body loses heat) and so just I do it when I feel the need at the moment – say roughly every other day for only short periods of say an hour or so. Want much more, but frankly cannot take it and be in TE for long periods in this heat. This will not be a problem when my poppers arrive and I get my machine up and running. As soon as get going with this, I will start making a note and report back.

Although very interested in rear plumbing in the long term, this is not an issue I have to deal with until all the other short term issues are addressed (See my entry for "Wednesday, November 23, 2005" for all the TE lifestyle issue I have thought of). I don’t actually get a kick out of this medical stuff directly, but I do like the idea of this technology supporting me in being sealed as much as possible, for as long as possible.

Just a last word, please don’t expect to see entries on my trying out my Lifestyle Support System too soon. I would sooner take my time with each element of the problem. Also, I am about to embark on my next assignment which is a combination of working from home (yippee!) and being on the road part of the week (boo!), so may not have too much time over the next couple of months. It’s all part of the master plan to support my lifestyle and hope to get there at some point…



Anonymous said...

There are a lot of X10 software packages out there but here is a very good choice for England:

With a popper aquarium air pump set up with a one way valve on the output, consider adding another identical pump with no poppers, but with a one way valve as well going into a "T", then to your mask.

You can use 2 different kind of modules for this: an appliance module, which has a relay inside, or a lamp module with a thyristor, or dimmer like you have for incandecent lights.

The appliance modules just turn on and off, and can carry heavy loads like coffee pots for example, but they make a loud click when they operate. An aquarium pump is a very low power unit, about 10 Watts or less, so you can easily use a lamp unit. You normally would not want to run a little motor with one of these, but it is so small that it will not present a bit of problem. You can also vary the pump speed by "dimming" the unit or actually turning it on at a specified percentage of power. So you could actually vary the popper dose that way.

The reason for the second air pump is to purge out the long line to your mask. If you just did a 3-5 second shot of popper, you might not get much after 25 feet of tubing...
By turning on the popper or BOTH pumps at the same time, you would run the popper pump for a few seconds, but then keep the air-only one on for maybe 20-30 seconds to purge the line so you don't end up with stale poppers in the line.

You can program all that with the Homeseer software I see. It does not look really hard to do.

You could also program from scratch and find an ActiveX control for Visual Basic or C.
That is up to you, but this looks very easy. You could actually take this stuff along with you on trips because it is so small.
You will need the home controller and either a lamp or appliance module, or you can get a starter kit.

This is a very easy way to get yourself back on track and under control again. I'm sure that those moments of longing to be outside and free in the air will soon dissipate once you are in the right mood this way!

Post or email any specific questions to me and I will try to help!

Anonymous said...

You could also run the popper pump for a few seconds, then the other one for another 20-30, then cycle that every minute or so automatically. Then you could also get a wireless module to give extra shots as needed.