Monday, May 22, 2006

Is “totally sealed rubber object” a gender

Sorry to anyone who has been watching this blog for new entries and been disappointed this year. I have had a very bad time since Feb and have often found myself away from internet access or rubber – sometimes both at the same time – yikes!

I am hoping that normal service will start to be resuming over the next 8 weeks, but in the meantime, let me pose the following question…

Is “totally sealed rubber object” my true gender, or possibly my sexual orientation or non of the above? I have given this a lot of thought while talking it through with friends and see if you can follow my thought patterns.

OK – in very simplistic terms: I am told that Sex is a biological thing, orientation is to do with who we find ourselves sexually drawn to and how we carry on, while gender is how we perceive our true character related to sexuality. So for example, someone could be born with male biology but could believe that their true self is feminine and may even take drugs or undertake surgical procedures to make their body comply with this self image. This is not at all directly related to sexual orientation – otherwise most guy men would be on hormones and having surgery – which is obviously ridiculous.

I, on the other hand am born genetically male, but my feeling of identity seems to be best served by the image of being totally hermetically sealed in rubber. Biologically a man, but my whole being is screaming out to be a sleek rubber, 100% totally sealed fetish object – it’s just the “real me” – or at least, who I aspire to be. When I achieve this state of total enclosure, the moment that gas mask (or whatever) is finally on, I suddenly feel calm and at peace with myself. I feel more confident, less indecisive and “more natural” (a contradiction I know). When out of rubber for any period of time “I am not myself” and seem to lose my identity / individuality or sense of “me”.

Could be this is a pathological mental disease – but surely it could only be pathological if it stopped me achieving my aims or functioning in society. In a way it does limit me – but party I am disabled by society as they would not accept me in the state closest my self image. On the other hand, I am still able to dress the way society want when I absolutely need to, so it’s not like I am unable to adapt. But fundamentally, time spent in mundane clothes is a bit like time being forced to wear a prison (jail) uniform – something to be endured and not exactly what I would chose.

So what do you think? Lifestyle “totally sealed rubber object” as a third gender? Or am I just talking crap?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no, this is not crap at all.
but 3rd gender would go too far: then, long-distance-runner could be a gender, too...if the runner feels addicted to his lifestyle. he too is somehow outside "normal society", but still able to conform.
like someone who spends hours and hours running, cycling or swimming, dressed for the part, eating strange things, refusing alcohol at parties and so on, you are covered in rubber and a bit breathless.

the runner would not attend a business meeting or a party in sportswear, as you would not do fully rubbered up.

and talking about sexual feelings...those sports people MUST have some while doing it.

so, you are just a bit off mainstream, that is all.

i would certainly prefer to go out more dressed in what i feel normal (or in what Mistress would like to see me)...but, well, the outer world asks for a bit of understanding.
