Monday, November 28, 2005

Thursday, 24 November 2005

Building on previous years, this year I have been lucky enough to be able do virtually all my work from my home office and so spend ever increasing time encased in rubber. Well, all good things come to an end and I have to come to terms with the next phase of work life.

As of next week I will be working away from home, probable spending a couple of months in foreign parts (mainly in the USA). If all goes to plan, this sacrifice will be rewarded with more work which I can do from home next year, so perversely its all part of my rubber life plan. I have found that often, you have to speculate to accumulate…

All this means a pause to my ambition of spending day after day encased in rubber. As regular readers will know, I have been finding this ambition ever nearer to being a reality as time went on this year. I am now convinced that it is perfectly feasible to wear only rubber clothes, if that’s what you chose to do, and that the real challenge is organising the rest of your life to be compatible with this aim. So it is all the more disappointing that I have to put my encased life of hold at this stage.

Now I don’t want anyone to think that rubber will not be part of my life at all. I am planning long weekends fully encased in rubber and evenings/nights in TE. But I feel that all this is going to seem quite mundane compared to my usual life.

Then there is the challenge of adjusting to spending long hours every week day not protected by my rubber skin. I decided that a sudden change may be psychologically too much so have spent the last week spending more and more time in vanilla. Although physically no massive deal, the odd thing is that it has possibly been slightly more uncomfortable coming off rubber than going on it. Very difficult to explain – but its a little like growing a beard or your growing your hair long – the transition is not exactly life threatening, but not something you would chose to go through very regularly.

Physically, there are lots of prickly sensations, itchiness, and some actual minor skin blemishes. I think this may be partly because of the challenges of the weather conditions here with extremes of temperatures and humidity that I have been cocooned against since summer.

Anyway, onward we go …


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