Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wednesday, 23 November 2005

Imagine you were totally hermitically sealed, every inch of your body air and water tight, covered by a thin close fitting rubber membrane. What issues would you hit straight away? And if you wanted to stay like that for as long as you could, what would test you as time went on? Well, given my particular fetish, this is something I have often thought about but I have never seen a comprehensive list of all the problems that would hit you at each stage of the process, so I thought I would start one.

I have draw up this list partly from personal experience as I have hit many of the issues on the road to trying to achieve my own optimum level of total enclosure. As you might expect, the longer the time you want to spend sealed, the more items you need to deal with and yet, many of the most fundamental issues are encountered in the first few hours.

By understanding the issues I think it is possible to prepare to deal with them. Some things may be easy to fix while other require some personal sacrifices to be endured, but this will depend on what your views are on various levels of compromise to your closed environment. For sure, some compromise to the perfection of your encapsulation is always necessary if you want to survive beyond a few minutes being totally sealed - as you will need to breathe eventually! It’s up to the individual as to what concessions will result in them still feeling they are sealed enough / for long enough to be acceptable for them.

Rather than include my solutions / compromises / personal endurances here, at this stage I will just identify the issues in the order in which I think they occur. I would be interested to hear comments from anyone who has actual experience or even just an opinion…

Assuming a totally hermetically sealed starting point, with absolutely no respite, this is my hierarchy of challenges for a totally enclosed person, with a rough estimate of when I think they first become noticeable:

1. Immediately:
a) Putting on tight rubber (Ingress) / sticking to skin (lubrication & chlorination)
b) Breathing
c) Some loss of dexterity (particularly fiddly manual handling through gloves)
d) Partial impairment of senses of smell, hearing, touch and possibly sight.
e) Difficulty speaking clearly enough

2. Within Minutes:
a) Condensation – Vision
b) Temperature Control / Overheating / Perspiration
c) Possible spontaneous / involuntary sexual over stimulation (men only?)
d) Hair snagging / pulling – mostly only if long haired

3. After a few hours:
a) Urination
b) Condensation – breathing mask / tubes / equipment
c) With some hoods/masks, face can get damp from either saliva or condensation from goggles or breathing

4. Within a day (or maybe a little longer):
a) Circulation (unless rubber good fit)
b) Dehydration – particularly if perspiring.
d) Skin/suit can become badly saturated, if you have been allowing yourself to perspire.
e) Leaking / leaving puddles. Some suits leak when they become saturated.
f) Trouble sleeping – particularly if mask causes breathing trouble
g) Temperature control while asleep

5. Around the 24 hours mark:
a) Defecation
b) Nutrition
c) Pressure points / chaffing (unless rubber v good fit)

6. Sometime 24 or 48 hours plus:
a) Start of a general build up of moisture in suit (even if not been perspiring)
b) Various secretions (e,g, mucus from nose, semen from sexual organs…) may start to build up.
c) Oral Hygiene

7. Within a week
a) Lesser secretions may start to irritate or even impair (e,g eyes, ears)
b) Difficulties with general personal hygiene may start to cause risk of skin irritation – this will certainly be worse if saturated

8. Sometime within a week or two
a) Growth of Nails
c) Men - Facial Hair may cause mask leak / fit issues or cause skin irritation
d) Social exclusion leading to seclusion & isolation

9. Longer term:
a) “Wardrobe Malfunctions”
b) Risk of pressure sores
c) Women – Menstrual cycle and other female hygiene issues
d) Probable increased risk in some types of infection (UTIs and the like)
e) Vitamin D deficiency (due to lack of UV on skin)
f) Cardio Vascular & general / weight problems (difficulties of Physical Exercise).
g) Hair length
h) Dental care (and even eye or general health checks)
i) Difficulties dealing with some (even minor) ailments while in total enclosure
j) Isolation leading to loneliness and possible psychosis
k) Becoming totally dependent on / addicted to your rubber encapsulation…

Did I miss anything?

Hope I haven’t put anyone off trying longer sessions of total enclosure by concentrating on the just the down side. Most of these issues have remedy and there are also the up side of the fetish to consider.

Have fun with your rubber limits,

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