Monday, November 14, 2005

Monday, 14 November 2005

Following comments and messages I received, I just want to clarify about the 24/7 thing, before posting on practical observations etc…

Sorry if I have led people to think otherwise, but I cannot claim to be a 24/7/7 rubberist, let alone spend my whole life in total enclosure with breath control. Although I probably wear rubber for more of the time than most people wear non-rubber (day) clothes, I am not as fastidious (or as I think of it: “dedicated”) - or as brave as those who spend all there time totally sealed in latex, such as the lifestyle documented by Ladyll. I look on that kind of life of rubber commitment as an ideal to aspire towards, but not one I have achieved, yet…

That’s not to say I just wear rubber as and when I feel the need, and then only for a few hours until I have “fixed” my need. That’s not me either.

It’s more accurate to say I routinely wear just rubber on most days. The amount of time I spend sealed up depends on what I need to do and where I need to be. I wish that rubber was suitable for every situation – but I find it just isn’t. If I go to a business meeting I wear business clothes. If I want to go up a mountain, I wear outdoor clothes. If I go sailing in the north Atlantic I wrap up in tons of sailing clothes! Sometimes I manage to wear these with rubber underneath but it’s sad to say that, for me, the 24/7/7 is not compatible with all the things I currently have to do with my time.

Luckily, and through some perseverance, I have been able to tailor a substantial part of my life to minimise the “out of rubber body experiences” - something I am keen to maintain and expand on. This is the real challenge – before I worry about the practicalities I have to constantly endeavour to maintain an everyday life compatible with my need for long periods of rubber encasement. I have to optimise the mundane life to give me the opportunity to realise my dream existence. This has not been without some sacrifice and risk to my financial security – but, up to today, things have always worked out in the end.

Now there is the question of the degree of my everyday enclosure. This is where I feel I would like to do a little better and be more rigorous for more of the time.

My current situation is that, assuming there is no need for excessive exertion and there is no heat wave, I feel completely comfortable wearing my normal suit all day, every day. That’s a medium thickness, close fitting cat suit with feet and hands plus a pair of black surgical gloves inside the suit and two pairs of similar, but different sized gloves outside the suits gloves. The gloves are a critical part of the setup as I need to get them exactly right to enable me to type at a computer all day and yet not cause any circulation problems. The same goes for the fit of all the rubber – but the hands, feet neck and head seem to be the most critical to get right.

With this I typically wear a hood which is either part of the suit or has a substantial overlapping seal. The hood will either be one with built in mask or, more often, it may be one with small openings for mouth, nostrils and eyes – over which I can wear separate goggles and a respirator mask over the mouth & nose. A hood with open mouth makes it easier to quickly switch to a configuration compatible with talking on the phone.

The hood and attachments remain a physical endurance challenge for me, even in situations where the rest of the suit seems very comfortable and the natural thing to be wearing. I used to have the same thing with my hands, but having integral gloves in my suit for years has meant that uncovering just my hands is not an option and I have had to adjust to the experience.

Sometimes I wear the whole lot for more than 24 hours at a stretch, but more typically I would change the head configuration through a day. In order of things that I normally want to remove or replace as I become uncomfortable are: any re-breathing kit, then goggles, then anything I can remove from the face and then finally the whole hood in extremis. After that I am usually fine, but it’s not long before I start to feel uncomfortable with a bear face – so it all starts to go back on again.

Now that the weather is cooler here, I am forcing myself to keep totally covered for a minimum of 8 hours a day and then only exposing the mouth / nostril holes for the rest of the day. Eventually, I think this will feel as natural to me as being sealed in latex from the neck down does now. At the moment I start feeling a little restricted half way through the days and get a strong desire to strip to the neck by evening. These feeling seem to be more habitual or psychological than physical discomfort and just removing the mask covering my mouth can pacify the feeling for a while. Eventually though the feelings to uncover the face can return and sometimes I find my will crumbling and I take time out of the hood.

If I take a few minutes out, no big deal you may think, but I see it differently. I want to get to the stage where wearing rubber all over is the norm and from past experience I know that part of the way this will happen is to stop thinking of it as something you wear for a particular reason and to not have an association with taking it off at a particular stage. For example, the first hurdle all lifestyle rubber fetishists have to overcome is the instinct to strip after sex - and the way I deal with this is I NEVER remove my rubber suit after sex, for at least one hour, no matter what! Once into this habit, the rubber suit becomes so much more than just a route to an orgasm.

Another important stage for me was wearing rubber every day it was compatible with what I planned for the day – even if I didn’t feel any desire to. I admit I am still working hard on this one and occasionally do fail. Why is this one important? Well, for one, I have never regretted being in latex once I forced myself to, and the consequences of not wearing rubber for a few days are being totally over stimulated when I do wear it on the first day back. Sounds great to be so totally sexually over-stimulated, but not when the aim is being sealed in rubber as just part of your everyday existence. When you are trying hard to catch up on work or whatever, holding back the orgasms hour after hour, it can be a total torture. It can almost feel like an agony. The only cure for me seems to avoid spending a day or more out of rubber, if possible. Wearing it every day, I still feel very stimulated but not to the extent I am out of control.

So how does this apply to my hood / mask issues? Well I think that if I can get to the stage where I only uncover my head when there is a practical reason to, rather than because I desire relief from enclosure, I can start to adjust to the experience as I disassociate the feeling of psychological endurance with the wearing of the hood.

Some people desire to be tested by the feeling of endurance. But for me, the wearing rubber as an arduous endurance you must suffer is not compatible with wearing it on daily basis. I think that with that mind set I would fail.

I am hoping that one day, wearing rubber over every inch, regularly 100% totally enclosed for long periods of time will be at least as comfortable for me as most people find wearing “normal” clothes for the same period. From my experience so far, I think it is totally feasible to adjust to this, but know that I am not there yet and that I will need to be very committed to achieve my goal.

For me the journey continues…

1 comment:

Sealed said...

Thanks for the comment, re: “Spoiling it?”

That seems to be a question that worries many people. I can see why people think it might, but all I can say is that from my perspective the answer is no – at least not so far…

I assume the worry is that either it stops feeling special as you acclimatise to wearing to it, or that it is too much of a good thing like your favourite flavour of ice cream everyday might get tedious.

So far I have found that rubber TE is such a total experience that it never stops feeling great and the feeling does not stay unnoticeable for long. Sooner or later, as you make even the smallest muscle movement, you feel its soft yet strong restraint. And yet as you acclimatise, I have found it can become much more comfortable to wear than many vanilla clothes in many normal activities. It’s possible that if you did wear it 24/7 for long enough (months/years) you might stop noticing its positive affects, but I doubt it.

As for the “too much of a good thing” hypothesis, there are examples of this were variety is important to the enjoyment (like food) but there are other things were it does not seem to apply to the same degree, and for me so far, latex is never too much of a good thing.

In fact one of the biggest challenges in wearing latex TE regularly for me is over-stimulation (sexually) to the extent of it becoming debilitating and even sometimes unbearable. I mentioned this in the post and I seem to be going through a particularly difficult patch at the moment. I think this may be partly to do with my trial at drying out over the last month or so, and not relying on certain chemicals to keep things under control… Like I said, the only “cure” for me has been to avoid spending too long out of rubber! I actually dread spending too much time out of rubber now as I know how (deliciously) difficult it will be the first day back.

Putting the whole thing the other way round, I do have concerns about becoming dependent on latex to feel “normal”. As I spend more and more time in rubber, I am starting to wonder if eventually I would get to the stage were having to go vanilla would be too taxing compared to staying in latex, I would not be able to face it.

It used to be that although I always enjoyed latex, removal of the garments did give some feeling of relief from confinement. But now there are often times where I have needed to go vanilla for some activity, yet found it so undesirable that I have repeatedly and unconsciously found excuses to postpone the moment I pull on the zipper, to extent of causing me be late and have some tangible anxiety in the vanilla world.
