Friday, December 23, 2005

Thursday, December 22, 2005

December has been a very different month for me and, with nearly a year of this blog behind me, I don’t really know where to start…

I have been away from home more and been out of rubber more of the time than I have in probably well over a year. But paradoxically – it has been one of the most fetish oriented months of the year!

Let me explain – previous months I have lived and worked wearing rubber. This month, the part of the day were I toil at the office has been sans-rubber – often leaving the majority of the hours of the day to indulge oneself. Being so far from home relieves one of the opportunity / duty to perform normal vanilla family and social activities, so there is rarely any need to spend much of these 15 or 16 hours being anything other than perfectly encapsulated in latex.

So, although theoretically I may be spending less of my waking hours in rubber, I have been able to be as systematically strict with myself about how I spend my recreational hours as I have previously been able to be about my working day. Basically I have rarely been able to find any reason not be in total encapsulation in rubber heaven 12+ hours each and every day during the week and 24 hours a day at the weekend. As none of these hours has been while working, there was little mundane distractions to think about while in total encasement – so typically my rubbery predicament was top of my consciousness during this time, oddly giving me plenty of rubber recreation time as I was not trying to stay focused on work etc while I just happened to be wearing rubber, as is my norm.

One of the great achievements has been to get very used to being in a rubber suit each and every night (I “often” slept in rubber in the past – but I put it to you that “often” is nothing like “every” in terms of a rubber lifestyle. The discipline required is on a different order, but the pay back is ultimately much greater levels of comfort). I eventually managed to get used to always sleeping wearing a hood with just small eye/nose/mouth holes – this was a challenge which ultimately I conquered by the odd means of stepping up a gear and wearing a rather tight gas mask over the top of the hood – complete with filter! Not sure how it happened, but think that my body just got so desperately tired from repeatedly disrupting it pattern each night, it decided it’s instincts to be uncovered were no match for my desire to be covered and it’s desire to be asleep! It seems the instincts are merely patterns to be broken - and my earlier apnoea blighted attempts catch a few moments of sleep are now something approaching hours of half decent quality snoozing.

There are still challenges here though. Sleeping in rubber is not a problem and doing it in hooded TE is possible- but the challenge is for it to be as comfortable as I know it can be. I am still having some problems with consistently controlling my perspiration which I don’t have during the day and time will tell how much the quality of the sleep with a hood and gas mask on will become…

As I have been spending mainly recreational time while wearing rubber, it means I have been able to spend more time catching up on talking to my fellow fetishists. There really are quite a lot of us out there – although it seems there are almost an infinite number of flavours of fetishes too. I have been busy chatting in chat rooms, messaging and emailing and surfing.

I even managed to meet up with a fetish couple IRL while travelling and working in the US. Meeting virtual complete strangers was quite daunting. We hardly knew each other online never mind in person – but MoF and his partner [name withheld!] were a total joy. Sure the first few moments felt a little awkward – but once we found a common language (you guessed it – a guided tour of their fetish wardrobe) everything just fell into place. The following weekend they kindly guided me to a local fetish store in New Hope PA and we just did the shopping, chatting and chilling out thing.

Parenthetically – one of the things I have been contemplating is the past tendency to link rubber lifestyle with sex (and ejaculation in particular) in my mind. After a lot of thought I think I am interested in decoupling the two. I will elaborate more next year – but it’s become clear to me that being sealed in rubber, sex, orgasm and ejaculations are just separate (admittedly important) parts of my existence and not an inevitable logical sequence! Talking to older and wiser rubber heads has started to rub off on me and think I am starting to enjoy a new way a looking at my rubber existence.

January will again be spent away from the home in the US (PA and NJ I think) and so I look forward to more of the same! Perhaps I can even meet so more fellow rubber fetishist – the search to find people even interest in rubber lifestyle has come to fascinate me…

This year I am being a little more open about my new years resolution – I want to raise the profile of the actual attainment of wearing totally enclosing rubber outfits routinely for long periods. I don’t mind talk of the challenges, but the starting point for this blog is that wearing rubber TE for most of the time is totally possible and for some of us desirable and the ideal. No one can tell me it’s impossible to wear rubber every day, as I have enough experience now to know that that, at worst, it can is merely challenging. I may not have achieved perfection, but can see that there are physical and psychological answers to much that the doom-sayers have presented as barriers.

For all those who contributed comments this year – a big thank you! Your interest has certainly helped me stay focussed on why I live this way. For those who lurked and never said a damn thing I say – you’re welcome! Of course a single line saying “hello!” would be so welcome and is unlikely to kill you – but I realise you are probably shy or busy or lazy – just like me!



Blackie said...

First of all a big thank you to Sealed for sharing his experiences. We all admire his devotion to the 'Cause' - though as Dark says we are not clear what the 'Cause' is.

What Dark says about rubber being normalized is particularly interesting. My own fetishes which I have enjoyed describing at boring length having to me become familiar, they are becoming not only much easier to handle but just a little everyday, falling more into place with my vanilla life.

Also locally people now expect me to appear as the man in black. I went to the pub last night with some young relations so wore just my by SBR mack and cap over black sweater, chinos, and shoes. This mildly surprised my young companions but they acepted it, as had been my expectation. One of the pub regulars I do not know particularly asked me where my rubber gloves were. I wasn't living up to my reputation.

The weather is cold and rubber gear is not very warm, thoug people assume it is. I am happy to sweat in heat but not to shiver in cold. I shall try to get a wetsuit to wear as a second suit just for warmth. Surely it should help.

So another strange thing - some types of discomfort are more welcome than others. Cold always inhibits sex and although my gear does not have the dnamic sexual stimulus it did, it produces an agreeable frisson which shivering certainly inhibits.


Blackie said...

I posted a comment earlier but it has disappeared down some electronic drain, so here is a brief and probably improved recap. I see it now though on this page so perhaps I am just looking at the blog retrieved froma cache. Anyway now I have typed it it looks a bit different so here it is as well.

First, congratulations to Sealed on his continuing achievements and the fascinating way he writes about them. He shows remarkable toughness and determinations. His ability to climax and continue several times in noteworthy.

Second, I am inclined to agree with dark that for me the contrast between vanilla life and rubber life is important. My vanilla life is generally important, although now my rubber life extends much more widely into it than I ever thought possible. As I have said before, it means I have accepted my fetish personality, and a lot of worries and hangups have disappeared.

The other side, whether an upside or a downside I am not sure, is that I am much more used to rubber. Although it brings a continual and agreeable sexual stimulation it is not the instant excitement it was. Like regular sex with a partner I suppose.

I hope this posting survives.

And a very good new year to all.
