Thursday, July 21, 2005

Thursday, 21 July 2005 - Forget talc and lubes?

The claim is “Forget talc and lubes, chlorination of your rubber items could be the way to go…”. The question I set out to discover was does it work and is it worth the bother? After all, I was quite happy using my particular brand of Silicone…

Chlorination – what’s that? Well it’s a DIY chemical process to give your latex clothes a “non-stick” surface. The process is described elsewhere, so I will concentrate on reviewing the outcome of the process.

I carried out the process on a Cocoon neck entry latex suit with attached gloves and feet and I also processed a mask. Once processed they were very clean and smelt more like a swimming baths than rubber. The chlorine smell is not overpowering even when wearing, just clean a smell which does seem be fading.

Then the feel test... On touching the surface with my fingers, I did notice it being slightly different - sort of silkier. I am not sure what I was expecting but it did not feel dramatically different and still felt very "rubbery".

However, then I tried on the suit and – unbelievable! It’s going to be difficult to describe the experience in words, but the practical upshot is that putting on a cat suit is EASIER than putting on a pair of cotton jeans. Pulling up the legs, I was reminded a little of the feeling of pulling on lycra / spandex. Chlorinated rubber just glides over the skin (as long as both are reasonably dry) with zero resistance.

There is an important time saving here. Even with the practice of wearing rubber almost daily for years it normally takes me some time to get into my outfit. There is carefully applying just enough lube to just the right places in the suit, then doing the same to myself. As I use minimal lube, there is then a careful process of easing myself into the suit so as not to strain or damage the suit (which becomes more important when you are wearing your rubber daily for long periods). Sometimes the are some “gymnastics” needed towards the end. Once on, I then normally have to spend the first few minutes, tweaking the fit to ensure the fit is comfortable around the areas of stretch and sensitive areas. With a chlorinated suit, you just pull it on and zip up and the suit sorts itself out in the first few minutes while you walk around and move about. When you come to take off a chlorinated suit, there is no lube to wash off or get dust stuck to. Usually we are talking no more than a quick wash under the shower if you got it dirty and leave to dry.

This time saving has an important physiological effect. Putting on chlorinated rubber is no longer a chore and something to plan. It can be a snap decision. It’s no more taxing than any other clothes. Several cycles of changes to and from mundane clothes are possible as and when needed. I have noticed another side effect – so far my suit does not leave the faint rubber odour on my body that others can sometimes detect. Not sure if this is a permanent effect, but at the moment it does mean I don’t need to shower after each and every change if otherwise clean and pushed for time.

What’s it feel like to wear? Wearing it actually feels better than normal, particularly at first, as you don't have talc or lube getting in on the act. Just you and your dry-feeling rubber. The garment hangs differently and even sounds a little different.

At first the latex just glides over your body like silk. Frictionless. It’s almost like you are not wearing rubber at all – but some sort of stretch material. However, after a time, this effect slowly fades as moisture levels increase in the suit. As this happens, the suit starts to feel more rubber and a little stickier (like normal rubber). This is not a bad thing as after a time you want to be reminded that you are wearing rubber after all.

What is it like for longer periods / latex lifestyle? Well I haven’t had the opportunity to wear the suit for very long periods yet – a single 8 hours session has been the max so far. But even for this relatively short period I can tell it has only enhanced the experience. At the end of the session, I felt as comfortable as when I entered the suit.

I can see it being particularly relevant to those embarking on a lifestyle of extended, constant or near-constant latex encasement. Finding lubes that are compatible with such a lifestyle and their skin can be a challenge for some. Also keeping clean can be challenge. The time and effort involved every time you need to change can also be a trial with non-chlorinated latex.

Problems with chlorinated latex? Well the initial process is unpleasant and nerve racking but on the other hand it is quick and once done its supposed to last the lifetime of article. Other down sides… Well it can affect the finish - and other than that… well if there are any I will let you know!

At the moment, the only problem is finding any reason that I would want to take off my suit…. And finding the time and opportunity to stay in there for longer… And I am making some progress with this issue too!


1 comment:

Blackie said...

Most interesting. My gear is very elaborate -two heavy latex suits, thin gloves secured by the arms of the second suit, and open-faced hood, plus boots and SBR mack, and finally heavy gloves is difficult and lengthy to put on and chlorination would be a great help.

I also have a sleep sack, difficult to enter and move in when naked and impossible to enter in latex. Chlorination sounds the answer.

i have read all the posts on about the process but it sounds frightening. One suggestion however was that bleach with mildly acid water would with repeated soaking treat latex with no alarming chemical reactions. I shall try that with my sleepsack first. Bleach is good for cleaning and disinfecting anyway.

I cannot match your daily life in rubber - I find my gear in hot weather great fun especially in public but quite tiring. Chlorination might help a lot.

Of course your endurance and ability to carry on after repeated orgasms is much to be envied. To work as well while enduring restricted breathing is fantastic.

Your blog is great - keep it going.

I shall try to put some pictures on mine now that it is easier -

Keep horny !
