Welcome wackyvorlonm ozrubberpony & Calgary rubberman to my blog and very glad u find encouragement from my entries. I think many of us feel a sense of calm when in our rubber skin. Hope u drop by again and let us know how u r getting on. I know I will be keeping an eye on your blogs (Calgary rubberman’s is definitely recommended reading).
By my understanding, Dark is pretty much a lifestyle rubberist after all (although I should leave him to define what that means to him)... We could argue the extent, length of time and totality of the enclosure – but to what end? I happen to prefer the idea of TE (as in including the head), but often have to compromise myself on this aspect. As a very rough guide, I often think a hood and mask doubles the intensity of the TE experience for me and yet probably makes the experience 10 times less easy over 24 hours. Think about physical comfort (ears!), socially acceptability of appearance, breathing (particularly when asleep), over-heating, communicating (both muffles voice and loses facial expression), drinking, eating…
Sleeping is tricky to master in rubber TE. I found that even if you managed it one night, that is not the same as EVERY night. As we tend to sleep for just the bare minimum time that our mind and body needs, any disturbance to your comfort, however slight, can lead to fatigue after a few days of disrupted sleep.
Earlier last year I did manage to teach myself to be able to regularly sleep in fairly extreme TE when away on business – but must admit to finding the same thing more challenging to habitually achieve when at home.
This brings me on to the concept of a diary or log as described by ozrubberpony. I have often found that this is a very good way to reach “the next level” in achieving my fetish lifestyle. Just setting targets a little higher each day can focus the mind on gradually increasing your “endurance” (OK, for me, it is little to do with physical “endurance” and a lot to do with ignoring the 100 artificial reasons for not following my fetish dream). This very blog started off as a points based diary, publicly charting my progress to spur me on. Only later did it evolve to it’s current (random) format, as some found it’s original personal score table format a tad dull. By then, it had served it’s purpose as I had progressed from being in rubber through much of the working day, quite often and as the mood took me, to regularly being in rubber – most of the day, most days where I didn’t have a good reason not to be. A huge step for me.
So yes, I recommend such “divers logs” – they can be a mechanism for helping u live closer to the way you already dream about.